Monday, January 20, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Flip! is now available on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website


Now on Kickstarter: Flip! - It’s rummy with a twist!
Flip!" is an exciting game based on classic Rummy but with a unique twist: the cards are double-sided! This will keep you on your toes as you steal each other’s cards while trying be the first to run out of them! This brings a whole new experience to be enjoyed with this classic game.


Special “Flip!” cards make players flip over their hands, revealing new possibilities. Flip! is played in quick rounds and is best with 2-4 players.
My name is Ben Mora, and this is the first game from Mora Games. It is now available on Kickstarter:

Note: This article is being promoted on TGC News because the designer is participating in The Game Crafter’s Crowd Funding Promotion. If you would like to be promoted by The Game Crafter then read the details here.

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