Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - ViaB KS: Noueni

From the Game Crafter Website


I have been creating board games with The Game Crafter as a hobby for over 3 years. I have made several prototypes and entered into many of their contests. Noueni was a submission to the latest “Micro Game” challenge and I am proud very of it, and the reception it is getting.
~ Matthew Lenner

In Noueni each player has their own unique deck of 18 cards. Each card is broken up into two halves and each half has a scoring orb on it. The goal of the game is to have the most visible scoring orbs.
Laying new cards follow a simple set of rules:

1) Connectors on connecting edges must match in number (0, 1, 2, or 3 lines.)
2) New tiles can be placed next to a tile, or overlapping one half of other tiles.
3) A tile may not completely cover another fully exposed tile.

Just because the rules are simple doesn’t mean that finding the best place to put a tile to cover up your opponent’s orbs and protect your own is easy.

I am honoured to be part of this kickstarter, and so happy that there will be people out there that I have never met enjoying my creation.


Support Matthew Lenner and Noueni in the Village in a Box Kickstarter, which launched on January 15th!

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