Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - Anarchs Unbound Deluxe Kickstarter is live!

From the Onyx Path Website

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The Kickstarter for the Deluxe Edition of Anarchs Unbound is now live!

Vampire: The Masquerade’s Anarchs Unbound takes the bomb-tossing, rabble-rousing vampire revolutionaries of the Anarch Movement and updates them as one of the most energetic and fast-growing sects, gaining ground as they use technologies and mortal agents to advance their agendas in the modern nights. With the Movement revitalized, the time is right to tell the stories of the Anarchs as they topple the old regimes and seize praxis with a promise of egalitarian rule and an end to the oppression of centuries best forgotten.

Anarchs Unbound includes:
  • An updated look at Anarch culture, which has come into its own during the Internet Age.
  • Anarch history and tactics, revealing how the Movement shatters the praxis of other sects and converts domains to Anarch ideology.
  • New Disciplines and combination powers, which quickly propagate among the disparate domains of the Movement.

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