It's the start of a new week, and also a brand new wave of WS series! 「キルラキル」 and 「ログ・ホライズン」 previews begins today!
Did everyone enjoy our new game Future Card Buddyfight? We hope that the speed of fast and furious battle fights is conveyed properly!
Do let us know what you feel about the game! ^o^/
Did everyone enjoy our new game Future Card Buddyfight? We hope that the speed of fast and furious battle fights is conveyed properly!
Do let us know what you feel about the game! ^o^/
Weiß Schwarz
"It's my turn now!"Power with fresh blood, Ryuko 纏流子 from 「キルラキル」
Weiß Schwarz
"M-Me too, erm... t-thank you"Shy Akatsuki アカツキ from 「ログ・ホライズン」
Weiß Schwarz
"Ah...... Big Brother Koyomi. I've been waiting for you."Ambush, Nadeko Sengoku 千石撫子 from 「Bakemonogatari」
Weiß Schwarz
Girl Bound By a Snake, Nadeko Sengoku 千石撫子 from 「Bakemonogatari」
Chaos TCG
"Oh? Didn't I tell you earlier?"Admiration for Iona, "Mental Model" [Hyuga] ヒュウガ from 「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アルス・ノヴァ-」
Chaos TCG
"It's a carnival!"Long Awaited Mission, "Mental Model" [Maya] マヤ from 「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アルス・ノヴァ-」
Chaos TCG
"Come into the blanket and lie down properly... right here"Collapse from fatigue [Touma Kazusa] 冬馬かずさ from 「WHITE ALBUM2」
Chaos TCG
"Do I look weird in this?"
Taisho Themed Cafe [Ogiso Setsuna] 小木曽雪菜 from 「WHITE ALBUM2」
"Do I look weird in this?"
Taisho Themed Cafe [Ogiso Setsuna] 小木曽雪菜 from 「WHITE ALBUM2」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"A demonic lance deprives all"Cursed Lancer カースド・ランサー
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Delete this world. Twilgiht Fall!"Twilight Baron
Monster Collection
8 Warriors of the Thunder Deity "Black Thunder" 雷神八武衆「黒雷」 from トライアルデック 「雷姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
Kokeshi is Back! Tomoaki Honma 本間朋晃
Future Card Buddyfight
”Oh, and what were you trying to do?"Abra Cadabra! アブラ・カダブラ!
Future Card Buddyfight
”Negotiations should be done with elegance,while showing the difference in strength little by little."
Demon Realm Negotiator, Gusion 魔界交渉人 グシオン(まかいこうしょうにん グシオン)
Future Card Buddyfight
”Oh, and what were you trying to do?"Abra Cadabra! アブラ・カダブラ!
Future Card Buddyfight
”Negotiations should be done with elegance,while showing the difference in strength little by little."
Demon Realm Negotiator, Gusion 魔界交渉人 グシオン(まかいこうしょうにん グシオン)
Just wanted to show the readers one of the promotional items made for Buddyfight: Candy!! XD
Apparently, it's Gargantua Punisher flavored... O_o
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