Thursday, June 5, 2014

WizKids Press Release - Important WizKids Event System Announcement!

From the WizKids Website

WES logo

The WES is dead. Long live the new WES!

As noted in one of Justin Ziran’s recent open letters, we have been hard at work on a ground-up rebuild of the WizKids Event System (the “WES”) and the WizKids Product Replacement System (the “WRS”). We are excited to announce that we are rolling out the initial release of the new WES and WRS on Monday, June 9th, 2014. As part of this release we have ported over the data for all stores, events, and players from the old systems as well as the store locator to make for as smooth a transition as possible. As such you should be able to log in with your current credentials on Monday. Please note:  We will be taking the old WES down for maintenance on Monday morning to start the transition. We’re hoping to have the new WES back up in the afternoon. We apologize for the inconvenience.

So What’s New?

For now, the new WES and WRS aim to replicate the same functionality of the old systems in a more intuitive and efficient manner. The goal is to make these systems easier to use and speed up your interaction with the system. The WES, in particular, will include some great new refinements and makes it easier to find events and stores, and for store owners and volunteers to report their events.

As a Player, in addition to the features from the old system, you now will be able to…
  • Follow your favorite stores to keep up to date with them
  • Select an option to be notified when your favorite stores host a new event
  • Select an option to receive reminders about upcoming events for which the player has registered
  • Find players by email or last name and look at their player profile (based on their privacy settings)
  • Adjust privacy settings for your profile information to control what you share with other users

As a Store, in addition to the features from the old system, you now will be able to…
  • Select an option to be notified when a new player “follows” or “likes” your store
  • Select an option to be notified when a new player registers for an event at your store
  • We have prepared tutorials for all the major portions of the site, to show how the new sites handles the features from the old systems.

What’s next?

The new WES and WRS are going to serve as foundations for some exciting new features coming soon. Here are some examples of some great new features for the WES.

Soon Players will…
  • be able to earn achievements based on participating in and winning events, volunteering for venues, and more
  • be ranked on a leaderboard based on their win/loss record and points earned from their achievements
  • have a gamer-tag with a player avatar and extended profile that will show achievements and leaderboard rank
  • be able to form teams with other players and compete in team based rankings
  • be able to follow other players and receive notifications when they participate in or win an event
  • send messages to other players (based on their privacy settings)

Soon Stores will…
  • be able to earn achievements based on hosting and reporting events and growing their player base
  • have a store profile that will show their achievements, images, and more
  • be able to upload images of their store and past hosted events to their store profile
  • send messages to volunteers and players that are following the store (based on their privacy settings)

What if something goes wrong?

As with any new system rollout, we can’t guarantee that there wont be some minor glitches. We are doing our best to ensure this doesn’t happen. Moreover, we are making sure that the database for the old system will remain intact, to avoid any data loss. If you encounter any trouble with the WES or the WRS, please send an email to and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue in a timely fashion.
Thank you as always for your continued interest and support.  Please join us Monday as we usher in an all-new era for the WES and WRS!

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