Friday, June 6, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Krash Karts: The Table Top Kart Racer ends this Sunday, June 8th!

From the Game Crafter Website

As the designer of Krash Karts, I would like to take a moment to thank community for their pledges, help, and support for my Kickstarter campaign. This community had a large hand in allowing my first ever campaign to be a huge success, reaching far passed my expectations! I cannot thank you enough!

To those that haven’t heard about my campaign, Krash Karts is what I like to call table top gaming’s answer to Mario Kart. It features items much like kart racing-inspired video games in a very hectic and very competitive racing environment, but a very fun and light-hearted one too. It also features a game mechanic that I feel is very unique, in that the track players race on is designed by them based on their own choices, all while they’re racing on it mid-game! It opens up the ability to force a player to take the long side of a corner, or align or create epic short-cuts. The game really allows a lot of underdog wins and keeps everyone in the race.

There are a lot of table top racing games out there that allow randomization of the track as you’re racing mid-game, or allow players design it before playing, but no game offers the mechanic of allowing players to choose, let alone so constantly, how the track evolves mid-game.

What else distinguishes Krash Karts from others is that it’s an easy to learn, easy to set up, and easy to pick up and play game where you can really screw with your friends and family. It offers just the right balance of simplicity and strategy that really makes it available to a large audience. You can play it with your family Friday night, and then bring it to your friends house Saturday night to play between bigger games.

Click here to support Krash Karts on Kickstarter today!

So thank you TGC community, and thank you to all backers! Let’s see where we can take this campaign!

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