Monday, June 2, 2014

AEG Press Release - To Do What We Must: A Fateful Duel

In early May, we announced “To Do What We Must,” the interactive L5R novel slated for 2016, helmed by Robert “Spooky” Denton with input from fans just like you.

At the time of the announcement, it was noted that interactions with fans via social media had already played a part in the early writing of the novel. Then, in mid May, it was announced that the the top two decklists from each Kotei would be reviewed for common themes and trends that would influence the story. Now, we’re ready to tip our hand on yet another way for you, as a fan, to change the course of history in Rokugan.

This year, at the Origins Game Fair, held in Columbus, Ohio, on June 11 – 15, we are offering an event titled “The First Taste of Blood.” It is described as follows:

The two sons of the Divine Empress are within the Colonies, and those who follow each man have become increasingly belligerent with followers of the other. Despite that the heirs have indicated no wish to see bloodshed among those loyal to them, the mood within the Colonies is increasingly hostile, and many believe that bloodshed is in fact inevitable. In the summer months, when the temperature soars and tempers run short, the first taste of blood will be had.

Initially, we had said that the two finalists of this event will select personalities affiliated with their Clans who will duel over a perceived slight to the honor of one heir. The tournament winner can then choose which heir to support, and the second place winner will determine the nature of the duel being fought while defending the honor of the second heir. The duel is to take place before the eyes of the Colonies as the Imperial Governor takes interest in the event and makes it a spectacle to behold before the entirety of the Second City.

However, this event has one more implication specific to the novel. The winning player’s Clan will determine the Clan of the initial protagonist of the interactive L5R novel!

So, it’s up to you to Champion your Clan to fame and honor. You are the hero, the choice is yours!

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