Thursday, June 12, 2014

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - V20 Dark Ages Necromancy

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

As I ramp up development and turn words into final drafts, I plan to share more and more content. So here’s a good way to start: Necromancy. This is just the paths. It’s a pretty big chunk of wordcount, though. I felt it deserved a lot of attention, so did Thaumaturgy. Because, you know, Cappadocians, Tremere, all that jazz. We also have a couple of additional bloodlines that use Necromancy.

This draws a little from Dark Ages, a little from V20, and a little from new design. If thinks go the way I think, I have one more Path to add before we finish. It’s a Google Doc, so ignore formatting issues.

New content and adaptations come courtesy J Dymphna Coy, who wrote our Lamiae bloodline writeup earlier in the week.

As with all the progress stuff I’m posting, I’m posting this before I send it over to our editor. So little stuff like typos or minor word choice stuff? Not necessary to bring up. This is purely a content dump. It’s got eyes to see before it goes live.

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