Friday, November 7, 2014

Warlord Games Press Release - New: Bronze Age Early Egyptians

From the Warlord Games Website

Reinforcements have arrived for Egyptian armies in the shape of four new Early Egyptian sets.

The armies of the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt, which corresponds with the Early and Middle Bronze Age respectively. These figures can also be used for Egyptian armies of the First Intermediate period between the Old and Middle Kingdoms and the early part of the Second Intermediate period upto the native Egyptian 16th Dynasty of Upper Egypt.

Egyptian armies comprised equal proportions of archers and close combat fighters (axemen and spearmen), though they were organised into separate units. The archers did not engage in close combat but provided massed archery fire, softening the enemy lines, before the close fighters engaged the enemy in hand to hand fighting.

In addition, forces were further divided into the hereditary, retained or professional soldiers and the conscripts recruited from the various nomes, or districts of Egypt in times of war. The former were also known as Ahauty and in the case of the close fighters, as Menfat or shock troops. The Pharaoh also had a personal retainer bodyguard of heavy axemen, also known as Shemsu.

Armies of both the Old and Middle Kingdom of Egypt also used native Egyptian light javelinmen and other auxiliary skirmishers in a supporting role. These included Nubian Archers, Libyan Javelinmen and Amurru or Bedouin Slingers.


Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom Egyptian Command. 2 Generals, including Pharaoh and 2 Standard bearers.


Old or Middle Kingdom Egyptian hereditary or professional Warriors (Ahauty) with Axe or Club and Shield. Some of these hereditary warriors were also known as Menfat or shock troops.


The earliest Egyptian Archers lacked quivers for their arrows. They carried them in the hand when marching and then placed them in the ground ready for use when firing in battle.

These Archers can be used in both Old and Middle Kingdom armies as conscript archers, recruited from the various districts, or Nomes, of Egypt.


Egyptian hereditary Archers of Middle Kingdom Egypt. By this time, Archers had begun to use quivers for storing their arrows.

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