Wednesday, November 19, 2014

AEG Press Release - The L5R Events Team

From the AEG Website

Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!

I have the honor of announcing the creation of the L5R Events Team. It’s members are:

John Akey
Giovanni Aviles
Eoin Burke
Jim Freeman
Benjamin Higgins
Manolis Trahiotis

The purpose of this group of esteemed individuals is to act as a sounding board for the Players of L5R directly pertaining to future Events, answering questions about the Floor Rules, review of prior Events, review of disciplinary actions, look into Honor Contest ideas, etc. The group will also focus on improving communication about Events, review portions of the Floor Rules (for example how Seeds are handled) for improvement, making sure prizes are resolved, and in general working as a consensus on how L5R Events can best benefit our player base world wide.

The Tournament Organizer forums on will still be available for Tournament Organizers to express any thoughts, concerns, and improvements. The L5R Events Team will also be an active part of them.

With that said, allow us to welcome them all!

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