was pointed out to me exactly how flavorful today's Haruka card is.
Even the flavor text matches up with the ability! I like cards like this
that really bring out the context of the source material.
One of today's Japanese Vanguard cards is drawn by a rather well-known illustrator. Though I didn't recognize the art until I checked the name...
One of today's Japanese Vanguard cards is drawn by a rather well-known illustrator. Though I didn't recognize the art until I checked the name...
Weiß Schwarz
"Take this!!"Hunting Mobs with Everyone, Lisbeth リズベット from 「ソードアート・オンラインⅡ」
Weiß Schwarz
"There is no such thing as a person who does not fight!"Choice to Fight, Kirito キリト from 「ソードアート・オンラインⅡ」
Weiß Schwarz
"Alright, here we go~!"Beyond the Brilliant Future! Haruka 春香 from 「劇場版「THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ!」」
Weiß Schwarz
" know, I'm always thinking, that I want my voice to reach even the furthest person in the hall"As a Leader, Haruka 春香 from 「劇場版「THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ!」」
Weiß Schwarz
765 Pro, Go!! 765プロ ファイトー!!from 「劇場版「THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ!」」
Weiß Schwarz
"I am determined to fight to the end, for the sake of my younger sisters"1st Myoko Class Heavy Cruiser, Myoko 2nd Upgrade 妙高改二 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」第二艦隊
Weiß Schwarz
"Watch out!!! 'Cause you're dealingwith a full-fledged member of the Fairy Tail guild now!!!"
Fairy Tail Wizard, Lucy from 「FAIRY TAIL ver.E」
Weiß Schwarz
"Open!!"Power of the Celestial Spirits from 「FAIRY TAIL ver.E」
Chaos TCG
"I want to rise to greater heights......more and more......"Look Upon the Moon, and Lament [Shijou Takane] 四条 貴音 from 「アイドルマスター ワンフォーオール」
Chaos TCG
"Come, guide me now towards those heights!"Beyond The Stars [Shijou Takane] 四条 貴音 from 「アイドルマスター ワンフォーオール」
Chaos TCG
"Uu-uuh! We did it, Producer!"Perfect Lesson パーフェクトレッスン from 「アイドルマスター ワンフォーオール」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Dance through the heavens, like the two wings of a falcon."Knight of Twin Sword ナイト・オブ・ツインソード
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Never suffer evil to pass. That determination will be your strength."Aurashooter Dragon オーラシューター・ドラゴン
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"You see, magical power is meant to be charged up,then blasted in one shot!"
Witch of Golden Eagles, Jasmine
"This is the blessing that is named 'Curse'."
Witch of Eagles, Fennel
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"When the world is destroyed,people will be bathed under a red light."
Star-vader, Graviton
King of Pro Wrestling
TRANS MAGIC, Keiji Muto 武藤 敬司
Five Qross
Anemone heart, Kotori Minami 南 ことり from 「ラブライブ!2nd Season」
Future Card Buddyfight
"Everything, shall return to nothingness-."Great Spell, Ragnarok 大魔法 ラグナロク
Future Card Buddyfight
"Aren't there enemies all around you?See, that one is the closest."
Nightmare Despair ナイトメア・ディスペアー
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