Friday, January 3, 2014

Wyrd Miniatures Press Release - Wyrd’s First Official M2E Tournament at the Las Vegas Open

From the Wyrd Miniatures Website

Salutations Everyone!

We are excited to announce that Mack will be running a Malifaux 2nd Edition tournament at the Las Vegas Open on Saturday, February 8th 2014. The Las Vegas Open is a great weekend of gaming, cosplay, tournaments, and Las Vegas entertainment. More details on the convention can be found here: Check out the discount room rates and the full event schedule while you’re there.

The M2E tournament details:

Size: 40SS. This will be a smaller 40SS tournament to accommodate new players who might just be starting their Malifaux collection.

Time: Saturday 10am. We will have the event space until 8pm, but the tournament is 3 rounds, so we will likely finish before that.

Prizes: Of course! We’ll be rewarding both for painting as well as performance!

Rules: We will be allowing both the Wave 1 and Wave 2 models. For Wave 2 models the latest Beta iteration of the cards will be in use, and Mack will be on hand Friday and before the tournament to help you sort out any questions you might have.

So come join us and be a part of where the M2E tournament scene begins! Tickets and additional information can be found here:

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