Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - And the Micro Contest Winnner is…

From the Game Crafter Website

Jeff from All Us Geeks and Cyrus from Father Geek have each tallied their scores in the Micro Contest.

In third place, by a nose, is Overlords by Bill Paterno!

In second place we have Royals by AJ Lin!

And the winner is Dig Down Dwarf by Jason Glover.

Jeff and Cyrus have decided not to include feedback as to how they chose the winners in this post. Instead, they are doing complete reviews of all 7 games on their respective web sites over the next few weeks.

They have however provided this table of complete rankings for the 7 finalists:

Congrats to all 7 of our finalists for making it this far, and to our top three winners. Don’t forget that the Mystery Challenge has already begun if you’d like to try your hand at one of our contests.

Also special thanks to our guest judges. Be sure to check out their sites for great reviews and gaming content.


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