Friday, January 3, 2014

Onyx Path Publishing - Lots Going On

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

It’s an exciting time to be W20 developer: seeing the books I’ve helmed out on the virtual shelves of DriveThruRPG! We released a glut of books at the end of the year, though with many people celebrating over the festive period they might have flown under the radar. Here’s a recap of what’s come out:
  1. Changing Breeds is out in PDF and Print on Demand. If you backed the Kickstarter, this final version replaced the previous one in your DriveThruRPG library. The deluxe files have gone to our printers.
  2. Rage Across the World is out in PDF. This is the same version as sent out to W20 Kickstarter backers. We’re still collecting errata before activating Print on Demand.[1]
  3. Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II is out in electronic formats. Again, this is the same version as sent out to Kickstarter backers. Errata thread is here, once we’ve incorporated that we’ll activate Print on Demand[1]
  4. The W20 Cookbook is out to Kickstarter backers, and people are already posting pictures of the dishes they’ve come up with. We’ve got an errata thread, and once corrections have gone in we’ll get it up on DriveThru.
Meanwhile, Umbra continues apace. I can’t spoil much until I’ve got the first drafts in hand; when that happens I’ll be sure to spill some secrets. :)

  1. Everyone who gets a copy in PDF now will receive a voucher for a discount Print on Demand copy, so your outlay is the same as if you’d waited and bought the bundle. To make sure you don’t miss the notice, head on over to your DriveThruRPG account settings and modify them to make sure you can receive emails from White Wolf.  ?

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