From the Z-Man Games Website
Neuroshima Hex 3.0 – 3 Player Game
Neuroshima Hex 3.0 introduces a new way to play the game: the 3-player game. There are many different ways to go about starting a 3-player game. Today, we explore all the way that you can play Neuroshima Hex 3.0 is you just so happen to be 3 people sitting at the table.
While its name may suggest a grand battle that will surely not end well for two people involved, this 3-player option is more about negotiations than tactics.
If a player loses his HQ during the game, his tile is removed from the board, as well as all his Units. This player is now out of the game and two players remain.

This option is a twist on the first option where the aim is not to eliminate your opponents, but to attack them as much as possible, in order to reach a set amount of points.
At the beginning of the game, players set their HQ damage counters to 0. In this option, HQs have unlimited hit points, and every time a player’s unit hits an opponent’s HQ, the wounds inflicted count as points that are marked on the attacking player’s counter. The first player to make it to 20 points is declared the winner. If no one has made it to 20 points before the end of the Final Battle, the player with the most points is declared victorious.

As its name states, this option will put two players against one (called the Loner). Will the Loner be able to outsmart the team?
The Loner sets his HQ damage counter to 20 and the team members each set theirs to 16. The first to destroy an opponent’s HQ wins the game. If two opposing HQs are destroyed in the same battle, the team wins. If no HQs are destroyed before the end of the game, the person with the most damage points left on his HQ marker wins.

There you have it! You will soon be able to play Neuroshima Hex 3.0 with only 3 players!
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