Today's Cards - 19th August 2013
the start of a new week here in Tokyo, and most of the companies and
staff are just returning from the summer holidays last week...
We just need that one last main event of summer, and we should be going into cooler weather.
It happens almost every year right after Animelo Summer Live!
Oh, and there's still C3 Chara Hobby show after that... amazing how they do not clash this year... XD
We just need that one last main event of summer, and we should be going into cooler weather.
It happens almost every year right after Animelo Summer Live!
Oh, and there's still C3 Chara Hobby show after that... amazing how they do not clash this year... XD
Weiß Schwarz
“I wish to stay by your side!!”Noticed feelings, Amy エイミー from 「翠星のガルガンティア」
Weiß Schwarz
“Come to think of it, isn't there any money in space?”Life on the ship, Amy エイミー from 「翠星のガルガンティア」
Weiß Schwarz
“I figured it out while apart from you!No matter how tough it gets, I wish to stay by your side!”
So come back! だから帰ってきて! from 「翠星のガルガンティア」
Weiß Schwarz
Demolition 爆破解体(デモリッション) from 「Fate/Zero」
"...... well...... the men of Takamura......"'Argos' unparalleled resolution 'Ensign' [Takamura Yui] 篁唯依 from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
"Developed under the Shogunate for the Imperial guards,the 3rd generation domestically produced tactical surface fighters"
3rd generation domestically produced tactical surface fighters 'Takemikazuchi', TYPE-00F 武御雷 from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
Victory Spark
"But. Menma really likes Jintan's smiling face"That flower's wish, Menma 本間芽衣子 from 「ラブライブ!&電撃G'sマガジン」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Before light and dark were split apart, the first hero of that world was born"Original Saver, Zero 創世英雄(オリジナルセイバー) ゼロ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The sacred bullet shall rid all sin."Battle Sister, Tiramisu
Monster Collection
Four Emerald-Scaled Generals, Diene 碧鱗の四将軍ジエン from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
Monster Collection
Blue Dragon Dart 青龍手裏剣 from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
King of Pro-wrestling
61st IWGP Tag Champ, Davey Boy Smith Jr. デイビーボーイ・スミス Jr.
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