Today's Cards - 16th August 2013
It's the end of another hot summer week here in Tokyo!
As there are no major events planned this weekend,
most of the staff should be able to rest and prepare for the following week's event:
Animelo Summer Live!! ^o^/
As there are no major events planned this weekend,
most of the staff should be able to rest and prepare for the following week's event:
Animelo Summer Live!! ^o^/
Oh, before we leave for the weekend, just wanted to highlight an upcoming anime title:
Neppu Kairiku, Bushiroad!!
Yes, it's the unfinished title from 10 years ago which was shelved as the original writer unfortunately passed away...
As such, the company was named Bushiroad, and now after 10 years, this title is finally becoming an anime!!
For more details, remember to check out the official site here for the latest news!!
Neppu Kairiku, Bushiroad!!
Yes, it's the unfinished title from 10 years ago which was shelved as the original writer unfortunately passed away...
As such, the company was named Bushiroad, and now after 10 years, this title is finally becoming an anime!!
For more details, remember to check out the official site here for the latest news!!
Weiß Schwarz
“See you then, I'll be back again in the morning!”Bright smile, Amy エイミー from 「翠星のガルガンティア」
Weiß Schwarz
“I hope it reaches you, I wish to tell you these precious feelings”World Idol, Millhi ミルヒオーレ・フィリアンノ・ビスコッティ from 「DOG DAYS´」
Weiß Schwarz
“P,please teach me everything...!”Promise after school, Sara 瑠川さら from 「D.C.III 〜ダ・カーポIII〜」
Weiß Schwarz
"Gather, my comrades!Tonight, we take our place as the greatest legend in history!"
Ruler of Macedonia, Rider ライダー from 「Fate/Zero」
Weiß Schwarz
"Now my companions,let us show the first Heroic Spirit
where our path of conquest leads!"
Ionian Hetairoi 王の軍勢(アイオニオン・ヘタイロイ) from 「Fate/Zero」
"I won't forgive you if you don't drink till you drop!"'Argos' two party animals [Vincent Lowell] & [Valerio Giacosa] ヴィンセント・ローウェル&ヴァレリオ・ジアコーザ from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
Victory Spark
"I will etch the love from everyone into my soul--""Sonoda Umi, will walk forth on the path to be an idol!"
"We're in the Now", Umi 園田海未 from 「ラブライブ!&電撃G'sマガジン」
Victory Spark
"I guess my greatest treasure is meeting everyone from μ's♥""I will work hard academically in order to be a doctor someday!"
"We're in the Now", Maki 西木野真姫 from 「ラブライブ!&電撃G'sマガジン」
Victory Spark
"Niko is not only aiming for the center position, but the Dome as well♥""Thank you- everyone-!!!!! Niko is the happiest girl in the world---!!!!!!!!"
"We're in the Now", Niko 矢澤にこ from 「ラブライブ!&電撃G'sマガジン」
Victory Spark
"Even if Dear Brother doesn't know, I do""It means that Dear Brother has no one else but me"
Dear Brother's little sister, Sakuya 咲耶 from 「シスター・プリンセス」
Victory Spark
"He will definitely arrive, coz Soju has been waiting like this for so long......""I will not allow anyone to hurt Soju"
Shirogane Sara 白鐘沙羅 from 「双恋」
Victory Spark
"Whatever happens--- the true family bond will last forever""We are--- family♥"
Fourth daughter, Hikaru 天使ヒカル from 「Baby Princess」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Raindrops shall return to the sea at the end of a long journey"Briolette Magus ブリオレット・メイガス
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The moon is fickle. Her mood today feels like a crescent"Crescent Magus クレセント・メイガス
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"An ultimate lifeform will absorb everythingin its path towards infinite evolution."
Infinite Corrosion Form, Death Army Cosmo Lord
Monster Collection
Dragon Gun Mercenary King, Brummbar 龍銃の傭兵王ブルムベア from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
Monster Collection
Penetrating Shot of Brummbar ブルムベアの貫通弾 from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
King of Pro-wrestling
FINAL CUT ファイナルカット
of the accomplishments during the Shiro Kuro Festival event was
definitely the marathon tournament which ran for 24 rounds... Xp
Which means some of you might have found the number placement a little odd on the last photo...
That's coz the number was pasted one after the other on the board, and by the end of the 24th round, you would get something like this↑... XD
Have a great weekend ahead!!
That's coz the number was pasted one after the other on the board, and by the end of the 24th round, you would get something like this↑... XD
Have a great weekend ahead!!
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