Today's Cards - 28th August 2013
Looks like most of the card intros are back to the customary 1~2 per day...
I just hope this is not the calm before the storm... Xp
Lots of new releases to look forward to this coming weekend and next though... ^_^b
I just hope this is not the calm before the storm... Xp
Lots of new releases to look forward to this coming weekend and next though... ^_^b
Weiß Schwarz
“I've mentioned it before, Flonne. I do not have an elder brother, nor do I want one”'Proud Demon', Etna エトナ from 「ディスガイア D2」
Weiß Schwarz
“AAAALaLaLaLaLaie!!”King of Military Rule, Rider ライダー from 「Fate/Zero」
"Farewell, son from another land... The rest is in your hands"'Batalon Zhar' Ike Vedem 'Ensign' [Ficarzia Ratorowa] フィカーツィア・ラトロワ from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
"Hey, what are you doing!!"'Batalon Zhar' capable 2nd in command 'Ensign' [Nastassia Ivanova] ナスターシャ・イヴァノワ from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
Victory Spark
"...counting on you, leader"Smiling Yukiatsu 松雪集 from 「あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。」
Victory Spark
"Shut up"Irritated Yukiatsu 松雪集 from 「あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Sinners of the Ice Prison, Lock...... is the name of the new prison"Ice Prison Hades Emperor, Cocytus "Reverse" 氷獄の冥王 コキュートス “Я(リバース)”
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The liberation was the start of a new era."Angelic Liberator
Monster Collection
Star Mage, Algieba 星魔導師アルギエバ from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
King of Pro-wrestling
TAICHI CLUTCH タイチ式外道クラッチ
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