Today's Cards - 12th August 2013
It sure was hectic over the weekend with Shoro Kuro Fest...
The turnout was really great! Who expected that many players to actually stay through the night,
or even finish 24 rounds of WS in a marathon match... Xp
Well, a quick catch-up post, then on to the actual cards for the day! ^o^/
The turnout was really great! Who expected that many players to actually stay through the night,
or even finish 24 rounds of WS in a marathon match... Xp
Well, a quick catch-up post, then on to the actual cards for the day! ^o^/
Weiß Schwarz
“Hey, how about a chat while walking?”Messenger, Amy エイミー from 「翠星のガルガンティア」
Weiß Schwarz
“We have come for her!”Spell-casting type, Couvert クーベル・エッシェンバッハ・パスティヤージュ from 「DOG DAYS´」
Weiß Schwarz
“Of course, we are going to unravel this mystery, right?”Good rival, Suginami 杉並 from 「D.C.III 〜ダ・カーポIII〜」
Weiß Schwarz
"Rider, you must be victorious."Waver Velvet ウェイバー・ベルベット from 「Fate/Zero」
Weiß Schwarz
"Rider, you must conquer this world.Failure will not be tolerated."
bond Between a King and His Retainer 王と臣下を結ぶ絆 from 「Fate/Zero」
"If we could gain control of that feeling..."'Argos' Main Test Pilot 'Ensign' [Yuuya Bridges] ユウヤ・ブリッジス from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
Victory Spark
"With a smile to conquer the galaxy, Honoka will do her best!"Cover girl, Honoka 高坂穂乃果 from 「ラブライブ!&電撃G'sマガジン」
Victory Spark
"The password is- Love, hope, dreams and energy!"Honoka-chan 高坂穂乃果 from 「ラブライブ!&電撃G'sマガジン」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The void has come! Dark Dimensional Combination, "Reverse" Daiyusha!"Dark Dimensional Robo "Reverse", Daiyusha 暗黒次元ロボ “Я(リバース)” ダイユーシャ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Pawn. The mechanical soldier supporting the battlefield who is the weakest, as well as the strongest."Death Army Pawn
Monster Collection
Divine Music Fox, Chitose 神楽狐チトセ from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
Monster Collection
Crescent Tail クレセントテイル from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
King of Pro-wrestling
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