Bruges - Anatomy of a card
With so much information included on one card, it may be hard to understand what everything means. This is why we are explaining everything you will find on the cards and what each item depicted on the card does.
The five actions that you can see on the right side of the card are always the same and appear on all cards, regardless of their color.
Each card allows you to use one of these actions.
1. Take 2 workers: place the card in the discard pile and take 2 workers of the played color. In this case, purple.
2. Take guilders: Place the card in the discard pile and take a number of guilders from the bank. The number of guilders taken is equal to the value of the die of the card color that was rolled at the start of the current round.
3. Discard 1 Threat marker: Place the card in the discard pile and discard 1 Threat marker of the color of the played card. By discarding a Threat marker, the player gains 1 point.
4. Build 1 Canal token: Place the card in the discard pile and add a Canal token on the correct colored space in your canals. You must build canals in order; you may not skip a space. Furthermore, you must still pay the number of guilders showed on the space you wish to build your canal.
5. Build 1 House: Play the card face down in front of yourself to show that you have built a house. You must pay 1 worker of the color of the house you wish to build.
The next action that is possible with a card is to recruit the Person you see on the card. In this case, you would first need a House for him to live. The House does not have to be of the same color as the Person you wish to place in it. You would then need to pay his price written in the top left corner (in this case 9 guilders).
Ok so that is all that information on the Person side of the card?

Let's start from the top! In the top left corner, you will find the price (in this case 9 guilders). Under that, you will see a little number. This number represents the number of points that this person is worth at the end of the game. After the pictures of the Person, you will find one of these symbols:
1. The Worker icon: People with the Worker icon can be activated once per round by paying a worker of the respective color in order to perform the action written on the card.
2. The Arrow icon: People with this icon have a "one-use" effect that is used when the card is placed in a house.
3. The Infinity Loop icon: These People have effects that are constant throughout the game. Some effects are used each turn (such as "once per round, take 2 guilders); others come into play with a specific action (such as "whenever you choose to take a Worker as an action, take 3 workers") or specific phases in the game (such as "during phase 1, you may refill your hand up to 6 cards).
4. The Laurel icon: People with this icon are used only during the final scoring. They can have advantages such as "at the end of the game, for every 2 workers you have, get 1 point".
Under one of these icons, you will then have the name and ability of the person. In this case, we have a Prince. Paying a worker will activate his ability. By doing so, the player would obtain 1 point and 2 guilders.
Finally, at the bottom of the card, you will see the group to which this Person belongs. Some cards will give advantages if you have certain groups present on the table, so keep that in mind.
Well there you have it! That was a more in-depth look at the anatomy of a Bruges card!
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