Today's Cards - 27th August 2013
Seems to be getting some mixed signals from the weather here in Tokyo recently... occasionally cool and windy, yet scorching hot at certain times of the day... Xp
Is the weather as fickle in your neck of the woods??
Weiß Schwarz
“The flower which blooms on the evil infested demon realm!Awakening Angel, Pure Flonne♥”
Awakening Angel, Pure Flonne ピュアフロン from 「ディスガイア D2」
Weiß Schwarz
Archer: “Ah, the mad dog again...... Interesting...”Vimana ヴィマーナ from 「Fate/Zero」
"It's not reliance, comrades help out one another"'Argos' family warmth 'Ensign' [Stella Bremer] ステラ・ブレーメル from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
"Smile when you are nervous... Elder sis used to say that all the time"'Argos' wondering love hunter 'Ensign' [Valerio Giacosa] ヴァレリオ・ジアコーザ from 「マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス」
Victory Spark
"Menma said that, right? She's happy everyone is gathered here..."Trustworthy Poppo 久川鉄道 from 「あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。」
Victory Spark
"Whatever the feelings... it's better than doing nothing at all!!"Sentimental Poppo 久川鉄道 from 「あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The raging stream of battle spirit right back at you! Go wild, Storm Driver!"Blue Wave Dragon, Tetra-drive Dragon 蒼波竜 テトラドライブ・ドラゴン
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Go wild, flash of destruction! Lightning Overbreak!"Eradicator, Vowing Sword Dragon
Monster Collection
Magic Instructor of Lionette リオネットの魔法教官 from ブースターパック「マーシュラントの魔竜」
King of Pro-wrestling
The cool guy in the black gold costume of Suzuki Army, Taichi タイチ
Just had pasta the other day... Japan has to be one of the countries which can work the color pink into almost anything... XD
No prizes from guessing which series the meal is from, of course.
No prizes from guessing which series the meal is from, of course.
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