Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Game Crafter Press Release - Global Game Jam 2014

From the Game Crafter Website

Have you ever heard of a game jam? There are many kinds and many different types of game jams all over the world. The biggest one is called Global Game Jam and it happens all over the world at the same time, hosted in many different cities.

A game jam is an event where you show up and they give you a theme, and then you make a complete game right then and there, usually with a time limit of 48 hours. At the end, everyone showcases their finish projects and is free to put them up for sale, possibly win prizes, and in all cases walk away with a great learning experience, especially if they participated in a team.

In Salt Lake City, USA, a chapter of the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) runs one of the physical sites for the Global Game Jam event every year in January. This year it is Jan 24-26th and some people stay all night both nights! At this location, both digital and tabletop board games are created. This event is non-competitive and focuses on team building and learning. Even veteran game designers enjoy the experience because it always gives them a challenge and helps them learn even when they thought that they had nothing more to learn.

Learn more about how you can get involved at and learn more about the IGDA Salt Lake City chapter at and keep prototyping those new game ideas!

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