Friday, January 31, 2014

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, January 30, 2014

Thursday Night Gaming at paradise Perks had a very good turn out again this week.  There were approximately 30 people at the event and 7 games were being played at any one time.

I was able to play two games at the event.

The first game was Tsuro.  Tsuro is a light game in that if it takes more that 20 - 30 minutes to play you are doing something wrong.  Tsuro consists of a 8 tile by 8 tile playing area.  The players take turns placing tiles on the board and moving their pieces along the trail on those tiles.  Once the player’s piece goes off the edge of the board or runs into another player’s piece they are out of the game.  The last player with a piece on the board wins the game.

We had seven players in the game which made the board very crowded.  Still we were able to go through tree turns before we had our first eliminations.  I was able to run two players into each other with the strategic placement of a tile.  Feelings of cleverness were short lived when two turns later I had to place the tile that ran me off the board and was the fourth person eliminated from the game, but I did take out the fifth player with that move as well.  The game ended a round later when one of the other players forced themselves of the map.

The other game I played that night was Organic Soup.  Organic Soup is a card game in which the players collect cards to create chemicals and chemical reactions.

The players start the game with a set of chemicals they can create, one simple, one complex, and one amino nucleic.  In addition there are basic chemicals available for creation on the table.  The players take turns either collecting carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen or oxygen atoms from 12 face up cards in the center of the table to create any chemical that is face up on the table or use atom from reaction is front of them to place a chemical in their hand down.  In addition when they are creating a new chemical they may steal unprotected atom from other players.  The game ends when there are no more atoms in the deck to place out or when a player creates the first amino nucleic acid.

In this game we played with four players which was a very different game form the three player games I had played previously.  We may also have found a flaw in the game during this play as well.  One of the players managed to corner the market on oxygen atoms so the rest of us were not able to build anything with those in them.  I was fortunately able to draw a simple formula that only needed graphite and nitrates and was able to get that formula out.  Unfortunately the soup ran out of atoms before I could get a complex formula played so at the end of the game I tied the oxygen hoarder for first place.

My stats for the event:

No. of Plays
Organic Soup



AEG Press Release - Meet the L5R Love Letter Personalities

From the AEG Website

Legend of the Five Rings Love Letter Releases on Monday, February 10, 2014, so now is a great time for you to meet the personalitlies involved in this new addition to the L5R universe. Check out the bio’s below!

Iweko Miaka


The third child of the Divine Empress and her consort, Iweko Setai, underwent her gempukku ceremony a relatively short time ago. At fifteen years of age, Miaka has a romantic’s view of the world that has been formed by her shielded upbringing, and of course by a passion for pillow books and tragic plays. Many years younger than her brothers, both Seiken and Shibatsu had already begun training for their gempukku ceremonies when she was born, she has never had a particularly close relationship with either of them, though she does love them dearly.

Likewise her mother was always somewhat distant, an unfortunate reality that surrounds the relationship between any sitting Emperor or Empress and the children that may one day sit upon the throne. The only member of her family to whom Miaka is truly close is her father, the former Akodo Setai, who spoiled her as a child, knowing that he should not but unable to help himself. Miaka’s vision of what a devoted husband should be is in many ways shaped by her reverence for her father, and although she does not recognize that, it will make it difficult for her to ever find a husband who meets her expectations.

Miaka’s personality might best be described as effervescent. While most expect a child of the Empress to be haughty or at least reserved, Miaka is genuinely warm and accepting of everyone she meets. It is said that she has never met a stranger, for all those in Rokugan are the subjects of her mother, and the truth is that there is virtually no one who can dislike her once they have encountered her in person. Physically, she is as beautiful as she is within, ensuring she has no shortage of suitors.

Togashi Gozato
The Divine Empress was once the daimyo of the Kitsuki family of the Dragon Clan, long before she was endorsed by the Celestial Heavens and filled with its radiance and divinity. It comes as little surprise, then, that for the personal sensei and advisor for her youngest child, the Empress selected a representative of the Dragon Clan.

What is somewhat surprising, however, is that she selected a representative of the Togashi order of tattooed men. Gozato is a typical member of the Togashi, or at least as typical as a Togashi can be, and as such is prone to bouts of nonsensical riddles or saying that make little to no sense outside of whatever internal context he has, which he rarely deigns to share with others. Miaka tends to find her advisor exasperating, but she has true affection for him. Likewise, he views her as the daughter he never had, although he is careful to maintain only appropriate interaction with her at all times out of respect and devotion to her parents, whom Gozato reveres above all others save his clan’s Champion.

As is customary for members of his order, Gozato shaves his head bald and much of his exposed torso is covered in tattoos. Some are mystical, but many are not, and no one is certain which is which until one of them is utilized by the old monk, an occurrence that is exceptionally rare save in extraordinary and very dangerous circumstances; in the six years that Gozato has served Miaka, she has only seen him utilize his tattoos twice, both times in defense of her well-being, although she does implore him to use them almost daily.

Doji Takato
DojiTakatoLLL5RThe very definition of dashing, Doji Takato is the object of desire for a great many beautiful young samurai women throughout the Empire. Takato has had his share of conquests, to be sure, but for him, nothing is better than the challenge of an unattainable target, and the princess Iweko Miaka is the ultimate prize. If he were to wed her, no one in the Empire would ever be able to question his charm and his wit. He would be untouchable forever. Or at least this is what Takato tells himself.

The notion that he could be hopelessly, overwhelmingly smitten with a girl five years his junior is preposterous… isn’t it? The fact that he privately writes poems in her honor and paints lavish pictures of her beauty is merely part of the process by which he will win her hand and achieve absolute supremacy over the courtiers of his generation. Again, this is at least what he tells himself.

There can be no question that Takato is one of the most handsome young men in the entirety of the Crane Clan, and perhaps the entire Empire, nor that he is charming beyond his years. He gets the largest number of compliments for his flawless skin and complexion, which he takes great pains to maintain. His wardrobe is impeccable, and he is never without a particularly ornate fan that he claims was once owned by Kakita Yoshi, one of his clan’s greatest heroes and a legend in the Imperial Court even decades after his death. He has taken to discreetly spreading several stories about the fan’s involvement in numerous tragic romances in hopes of attracting the princess’s attention.

Matsu Misato
MatsuMisatoLLL5RIweko Miaka’s doting father was once a member in good standing of the Lion Clan. More to the point, he was once a Deathseeker, a Lion who actively sought death in order to restore his honor, but was so skilled on the field of battle that he was reinstated with full honors and went on to ascend to the position of consort of the Divine Empress.

Although technically the well-being of his daughter falls to the capable and honorable Seppun family, Setai has never abandoned his connections to the Lion Clan and has insisted upon a Lion yojimbo to augment his daughter’s protection detail. This samurai travels with the princess at all times and, while the Seppun Guardsmen protect her wherever she goes, Misato oversees the security of whatever chambers she calls her home during her travels.

When she isn’t found spending time maintaining a painstakingly precise list of all those who request access to the princess’s chambers, who is actually granted access, and the times and durations of any visits they make, Misato is standing watch at the doorway. Miaka finds it rather inconvenient but she cannot bring herself to condemn her, as Misato reminds her too much of her father.

Isawa Tenkawa
While Togashi Gozato is the teacher and general advisor of Iweko Miaka, he is not her only advisor. As befitting any Imperial personage of such rank, the Phoenix Clan have offered the services of a spiritual advisor, Isawa Tenkawa.

Because of the prestige associated with such a position, the Phoenix ensured that one of their most powerful shugenja was placed in the position, reasoning that his knowledge of the elements would be useful, as well as his ability to defend the princess should such a thing become necessary. Unfortunately, mystical knowledge and power are not always compatible with political savvy.

Tenkawa is a lean-faced man who trained with the Isawa Tensai in the element of fire. The negative stereotypes that are associated with fire shugenja are unfortunately present in Tenkawa, and he holds little regard for those who are unable to speak to the kami (save for Miaka, of course, whom even Tenkawa must admit seems as beloved by the spirits as her divine mother). Were it not for the prestige he enjoys as the appointed spiritual advisor of the Imperial princess, it is likely he would have been discreetly “uninvited” to court already.

Kaiu Akemi
Kaiu Akemi is an enormous presence in court, and not simply because of her prodigious physical abilities or her fame as a former sumai, but because her personality is easily a match for her form. Unfortunately, her personality is also confrontational and blunt, as well as outspoken.

She tends to intrude upon conversations that do not involve her, oftentimes frankly condemning one or even both parties in the conversation when they fail to meet her exacting standards. Akemi is one of only a handful of individuals who has ever spoken critically of Iweko Miaka publically. Normally this would have ended any career she might have had in the courts now that her career as a sumai wrestler is over, but her frank assessment of the young princess only intrigued Miaka, and she spent an evening in conversation with the former wrestler. This fact gained Akemi far more fame than her previous comments, and though she will never admit it, Akemi has succumbed to the young woman’s bright, cheerful mood just as everyone else has. No one can help but to love her.

As befitting a former sumai, Akemi has a significant physical presence. She wears her hair in a topknot without fail and dresses very plainly; she has never seen any point in embellishing her appearance when she knows very well that she has little chance of attracting a husband through her physical charms. Instead, she has devoted herself to ensuring that the Imperial princess ends up with a proper Crab husband.

Shosuro Yamazaki
Even among the Scorpion, Shosuro Yamazaki could be described as subtle, and that is no mean feat. He defers to others in virtually every instance, seeking only to avoid offense and gathering as much information as he can on those who are currently competing for the affections of the Imperial princess.

Yamazaki would enjoy very much seeing a member of the Scorpion Clan winning the hand of the princess, but he knows that there is little he can do to influence such a decision in his current position. Nevertheless, he has ensured that he is close at hand during the courting process because he knows better than most the lengths that desperate men will go to in order to acquire that upon which they have set their hearts. Desperate men are also foolish, prone to making mistakes or terrible failures of judgment, and when that happens, Yamazaki wants to be on hand to ensure that such precious currency is not lost to his beloved Scorpion.

Yamazaki presents himself as a simple man, and makes no effort to oppose others in almost any circumstance. He is quite self-effacing and deferential, although his mask, which is crafted in the image of a snarling demon, ensures that all who have reason to approach him do so in a defensive manner. Despite that he does not exploit this, Yamazaki enjoys the disquiet of those who seek his counsel. It is one of the only comforts he allows himself in a lifetime of duty to a cause greater than himself.

Seppun Tasuke
Brilliant and beloved though she is, there are still those who disgrace everything they have ever known by wishing ill upon the princess Iweko Miaka.

For that reason, and for the lesser reason of simple protocol, several members of the elite Seppun Guardsmen order known as the Miharu, the sacred warriors tasked with protecting the Empress and her Imperial families, are never far from her side.

She does not leave the Imperial Palace without them, and the eldest of them, Tasuke, has not been more than one hundred paces from her person in over three years. As the princess’s guardians, they have no concern over the courtship process, but instead merely regard every suitor as a potential assassin and watch them accordingly.

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 31st January 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

Well, its the end of another week, but what's so special about this particular Friday is that the Future Card Buddyfight first ever booster packs go on sale officially starting today!! ^o^/

It's going to be pretty interesting moving around the card game shops this weekend, how about your neck of the woods?? Xp

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"Where did you get that piece of clothing"
Absolute terror, Satsuki 鬼龍院皐月 from 「キルラキル」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"Let me show you"
All overpowering, Kamui Junketsu 人衣圧倒、神衣純潔! from 「キルラキル」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"The hunt is on! They will not escape!"
Well-prepared, Chokai 鳥海 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"Don't say that. Sengoku. Please,
don't say things like 'thank you' to me."
Curse-lifting Gratitude, Nadeko Sengoku 千石撫子 from 「Bakemonogatari」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Chaos TCG
"Eh... but... love confessions, can't be rushed..."
Maiden Plug-in 乙女プラグイン from 「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アルス・ノヴァ-」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Chaos TCG
"I've never seen this material before. Feels like metal but it's amazingly light"
Unit Core ユニットコア from 「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アルス・ノヴァ-」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Chaos TCG
"Travel set... Found it...... eh?"
Secret between the two 二人の秘密 from 「WHITE ALBUM2」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Chaos TCG
"Hold it, hold it, hold it! What's up with her?"
Potential of the multi-player マルチプレイヤーの実力 from 「WHITE ALBUM2」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"You have great endurance. Let's finish this with my sword"
Revenger, Dragruler Phantom 撃退者(リベンジャー) ドラグルーラー・ファントム

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Breaking apart from the rules. That's known as Lock."
Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Monster Collection
Ghost Princess of Thunder, Kushinada 雷鳴の鬼姫クシナダ from トライアルデック 「雷姫」

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
King of Pro-wrestling
FIERCE WARRIOR, Hirooki Goto 後藤洋央紀

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Future Card Buddyfight
”Inheritor of weapons from the ancient empire.
A Super Armordragon."
Super Armordragon, Buster Cannon Dragon 超武装騎竜 バスターキャノン・ドラゴン

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Future Card Buddyfight
Armorknight Demon アーマナイト・デーモン

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Future Card Buddyfight
”Hmph... it's a good thing.
For both light and darkness."
Rebel, Belial 反逆者 ベリアル

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Future Card Buddyfight
”Inheritor of weapons from the ancient empire.
A Super Armordragon."
Super Armordragon, Buster Cannon Dragon 超武装騎竜 バスターキャノン・ドラゴン

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Future Card Buddyfight
Armorknight Demon アーマナイト・デーモン

Today's Cards - 31st January 2014
Future Card Buddyfight
”Hmph... it's a good thing.
For both light and darkness."
Rebel, Belial 反逆者 ベリアル

The Game Crafter Press Release - Japanese: The Game has 6 days left on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website

Japanese: The Game is a language-learning card game that gets new learners building Japanese sentences in seconds. The cards are Japanese words, and by playing them according to a simple color pattern makes sentences that are automatically grammatically correct!

(The below graphic shows how to play the cards to say “Her dog is annoying.” Don’t worry, the instructions make this all very simple.)

The game has solo, collaborative, and competitive modes so you can learn in any setting, and the game is set up so simply that even children can play. It’s an engaging, all-ages game that will have you learning and thinking in Japanese by accident.

The Kickstarter for Japanese: The Game has been very successful so far, reaching over $70,000 in funding (over 1200% of goal) from backers in dozens of countries on every continent. With six days left, many stretch goals have been unlocked, including an app that will read your cards and pronounce them for you and a Print-and-play subscription for all future releases!

Along with the standard Core Deck, you’ll have several Expansions to choose from: Business, Anime, Japanese Food, Monsters (Kaijuu), and more! Take this chance to learn Japanese is a new, engaging way and bring something different to game night.

Support Japanese: The Game on Kickstarter today!
Note: This article is being promoted on TGC News because the designer is participating in The Game Crafter’s Crowd Funding Promotion. If you would like to be promoted by The Game Crafter then read the details here.

Mongoose Publishing Press Release - Judge Dredd FAQ and Errata

From the Mongoose Publishing Website

The Judge Dredd miniatures game has been around for a few months now, so it is time to have a look at some of your commonly asked questions and make a handful of necessary tweaks to a few entries. All of the items here are official and should be considered ‘tournament-ready.’

The entire FAQ and errata is listed here, but you can download a PDF version from here.


The Game Turn

What happens when two models roll a natural 10 during an opposed check?
Both succeed and it is therefore a tie – both models re-roll.

Shoot Actions

When shooting at an enemy model and you roll one or more 10s, do these automatically hit (causing a critical hit) or can the enemy still dodge these if they rolled higher (with modifiers) for their Agility?

It is not an automatic hit, and the enemy can still dodge the shot if he rolls high enough on his Agility. However, if he fails, it will be a critical hit.

Do friendly models block Line of Sight for shooting?
They do indeed! If they are partially covering an enemy model, count them as providing light cover.

Melee Actions

When pushing a model 2” back after winning close combat, what is defined as directly away?
Directly backwards, not crabbing off to one side!

Can you push a model that lost combat through other models?
No, count other models as impassable for this purpose.

Can you declare a melee action against a target that is around a corner?
Yes, you can. However, unless you have at least 3” of straight line movement after the corner, you will not get the benefit of Charging.

Special Actions

When in close combat, can a model perform a Special action, perhaps activating Shield Wall?
No, you can only choose to perform Melee actions if you are already in close combat (or a Move action, if you want to get out of there!). Shield Walls must be attempted before you enter close combat, as it would be a bit difficult when you are already fighting!

Advanced Rules

If a Minion successfully resists arrest, do any remaining Judges have to attempt to arrest them as well?
No, once a Minion resists arrest, he is open game for any Judge!

Will you always take at least one point of damage from falling?
Yes, falling from 4” or less will always cause at least one point of damage, even if you make the Agility check (because you round up fractions). By the same token, if you fall 15” or more and succeed in an Agility check, you will lose half your starting Hits (the model managed to break its fall somehow).

How do Explosive weapons and cover interact? For example, if I shoot someone in cover around a corner, and it hits the model next to him, who is out of my Line of Sight, does that model get cover as well?
The second model would indeed get the benefit of cover. This reflects the fact that you may not know exactly where he is.


Can werewolves/zombies/demons ride bikes?
Sure. Sounds like fun!

Justice Department

Can a Cal-Hub, Brit-Cit or Judge from any other Mega-City who has been permanently seconded to the Justice Department get a Lawmaster instead of an Iron Lion?
He can, and we’ll go you one better – if he is brought in as a temporary Mercenary, he can still be bought a Lawmaster (on a temporary basis). See page 26 on ‘acquiring’ vehicles…

Zombie Horde

Zombies do not use the normal armour rules. What effect does heavy cover or weapons with an AP score have on the damage roll?
Heavy cover will grant a bonus to the zombie’s Agility as normal, but neither cover nor AP have any effect on the roll for destroying a zombie – the ability to rip through a zombie with a bullet is not much help, you need weapons that can dismember them!

Can zombies ride in and drive vehicles, and can they shoot any mounted weapons?
Zombies can indeed ride and drive vehicles, but have no Shoot score and so cannot perform any Shoot actions (and thus cannot use shooting weapons).

Can a Zombie Master try to reanimate the same zombie twice (the turn it is destroyed and the turn after) if he remains within 12”?
You get just one try to reanimate each zombie – if you fail once, remove the zombie.

Do you get XP for each time you kill a zombie, even if the Zombie Master then raises it again, or is it the model that finishes it permanently that gets the reward?
You must remove a model from the table to get its XP, so it is the model that delivered the final blow that gets it in this case.

Zombies have no weapons listed, nor can you buy any for them. In close combat, therefore, do they count as having Fists and Feet?
Yes, and this applies to any model with no close combat weapon listed (even if they are using horns, tentacles, pseudopods…).


Do you need to specify what type of ammunition you are using when you equip a Judge with the Mk I Lawgiver?
No. While the background describing the Mk I Lawgiver says it only has two magazines, we can assume the Judge has selected the most suitable ammunition for the coming fight.

Does the Lawrod use the same rounds as the Mk I Lawgiver, in effect the same as the Mk II minus the Stumm Gas rounds?
That is correct.


The Shadow makes reference to Master Stealth – is that supposed to be The Shadow?
It is indeed, yes. It was called Master Stealth in the original playtest version of the game.

Does the Loyal Bodyguard Talent allow attacks to be redirected to a model the opponent cannot see?
Yes – the bodyguard heroically leaps out of cover to catch the bullet!

If a Citi-Def officer is shot by a soldier that is also his Loyal Bodyguard, does the soldier realise his mistake and leap in front of his shots, protecting the officer?
And no to this one. You cannot leap in front of your own bullets, no matter how devoted you are!

When using The Shadow and attacking with multiple dice, does a model automatically cause one critical hit or do all its attacks cause critical hits?
All. Enjoy.

Can a model take advantage of more then one Voice of Command at the same time? Does this Talent stack with itself?
No. If lots of people start bossing a model about at the same time, he will just get confused! A model can only take advantage of one Voice of Command at any one time.

How does ramming interact with Drive-By Boot and Bike Wheelie?
It does not – choose to either ram or use one of these Talents, you cannot do both.

The Riot Judge Talent tree has a lot of shield-type Talents, but does not actually specify that you need a shield to use them…
Yes, you need to have a Riot Shield to use a Talent that mentions said shield.

Accurate states that it can only be used by single Shooting Dice weapons. Does that mean a model that  gets an extra Shooting Die from Dual Pistol Master can also use Accurate, if his weapon starts at one Shooting Die?
No. One Shooting Die means one Shooting Die, regardless of where the Dice are coming from. You are taking a single, prepared shot, not blazing away!

What is the use of the arrested component of the Slippery Talent, since Heroes cannot be arrested?
It is possible for Heroes to be arrested in some very specific circumstances, such as Chief Judge Cal arresting Mega-City One Judges. We may also add more possibilities in the future…

Is there anything that limits Loyal Follower in the same way as Fixer? I cannot see anything that stops you, say, challenging a Dark Judges player, making a Lone Vigilante tooled up to the eyeballs with Psi Talents, laser pistols, katanas and other gear, then taking Loyal Follower and immediately upping your gang’s value by, like, 500 Credits (minus anything slaughtered by Judge Death, of course)?
This is possible. However, there are some drawbacks. First of all, you will be facing some very heavy opposition and may well lose your Lone Vigilante and anyone else he brings along. Second, if you do pull it off, this game has a self-balancing mechanism through the use of Mercenaries so you will just be facing tougher enemies with a Hero that has probably not gained enough levels to survive what he will now be facing!

Do you have to pay to improve Minions with Inspire and Elevate?
No, but your force value will go up by 50 Credits.

Psi Talents

Does Shroud of Death last even after the model has avoided death once?
It does indeed.

Does Shroud of Death activate by hit, or by attack? If a 1 Hit model with Shroud of Death active gets shot by a gun with 4 Shooting Dice, and all those dice successfully hit, will he have to roll 4 Will checks in sequence to survive, or just one?
Just one. Shroud of Death kicks in whenever the model reaches 0 Hits – all those Shooting Dice are being rolled at once and so are all happening at the same time.

How do Psi Talents work when a model is on a bike?
User Only Psi Talents affect only the Hero, not his bike (so, he cannot Levitate his bike!). Psi Talents that function as shooting attacks may be used from a bike.


If a force value gets high enough, there is nothing to stop a player using a single unarmed Juve (or similar) and picking a Credit value of 10 for a challenge, knowing that no-one else in the campaign has anything that cheap to contest them. Is that right?
No. When you fight in a campaign, you use every model at your disposal (it is a desperate battle, not a game to your guys!). You cannot just select part of your force!

Blood on the Streets

Can you sell gear models start with?
No. No one wants a second hand shell jacket.

What is the Rep of the Dark Judges?
That is a very good question (though a better one might be why the Dark Judges are trying to run a gangster operation…). We would recommend you make the Dark Judges’ Rep twice that of the highest other Rep in the campaign.

Official Errata

The following are official changes to the Judge Dredd miniatures game and will be repeated in future reprints of the main rulebook.

Riot Wagon, Manta Prowl Tank and Pat Wagon (pages 32-34)
Remove the Gas special rule from the Riot Foam jets. These weapons otherwise use the rules for Riot Foam as detailed on page 101.

Lawmaster Mastery (page 128)
As with all Judge Talent trees, this may be used by any type of Judge (including those from other Mega-Cities, such as East Meg or Brit-Cit), and the Talents may be applied to any type of bike, not just Lawmasters.

Heist! (page 144)
The deployment zones on the map should be swapped around, with the attacker setting up in the centre. The text under the Set Up section is correct.

Mechanismo Judgementbringer Cannon (page 156)
The table for the Judgementbringer Cannon, for both the Mk I and Mk II Mechanismo, should read as follows.

Range Shooting Dice Damage AP Special Rules
Judgementbringer Cannon 18” - - - -
- Armour-piercing - 1D 1 -4 -
- High-explosive - 1D 3 -2 Explosive 1
- Incendiary - 1D 1 0 Fire
- Standard Execution - 4D 2 -2 -

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - Now in Print: January 31

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

Wraith The Oblivion 2e20 years after the first edition was released, and almost exactly 18 years after the second edition (Feb 1), Wraith: The Oblivion 2e is once again available in print!

Also available are Werewolf: The Apocalypse’s Tribe Book: Bone Gnawers Revised and Exalted’s Scroll of Exalts.

Given D&D’s 40th anniversary earlier this week, fans may appreciate this Scroll of Exalts easter egg:

Scroll of Exalts D&D

Warlord Games Press Release - New: Somua S35 and French Tank Crew

From the Warlord Games Website

Out today is the Somua S35 medium cavalry tank, bringing more armoured reinforcements to French armies. We also have new French Tank Crew figures!


Widely regarded to be the best tank during the early stages of the war, the Somua S35 had between 40 and 47mm of armour yet still managed to maintain a good level of manoeuvrability. The S35 was armed with a potent 47mm main gun and coaxial machine gun.


The S35 performed admirably during the Battle for France and was only let down by frailties in the French tactical approach to the war. Certainly the Germans were keen to bring the S35 into German service once France had capitulated, the new vehicle being designated Panzerkampfwagen 35-S 739(f).
Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary also received the S35 from captured French stocks.


SomuaS35 Somua_S35_tank_4

As you will have noticed from the pictures of the Somua S35 above we have a set of new French tank crew for you! The S35 is supplied with a random crew member but you can collect all of them in this new pack. Most of them have separate Figure Heads so you can mix and match to your own taste..


Warlord Games Press Release - New: Panhard 178 Armoured Car

From the Warlord Games Website

The Panhard 178 was an advanced French reconnaissance 4×4 armoured car that was designed for the French Cavalry before World War II. Affectionately known by it’s 4-man crews as ”Pan-Pan”, it was equipped with an effective 25mm main armament and a 7.5mm coaxial machine gun.


In addition to taking part in the conflict in North West Europe during the early stages of the war, the Panhard 178 was also due to see service in North Africa where a desert version was produced (mostly internal differences so effectively the same external look as the European variant). Sadly the advent of the armistice meant none of these were ever shipped to the Western Desert.

WGB-FI-109-Panhard-Armoured-Car-c WGB-FI-109-Panhard-Armoured-Car-d

Following the Fall of France in 1940, many of these vehicles were taken over by the German forces, under the new designation Panzerspähwagen P204 (f). THis makes the new released Panhard 178 a great choice for armies of the Third Reich too…


panhard178 FrenchPanhard