been an eventful day, with the news about the change to the Vanguard
rules. But other than that, today is also the release date for Emi
Nitta's debut single! She's not a fresh singer, having sung many times
before in her role as Honoka Kosaka from Love Live!, but this is her
first single release as a solo artiste!
Weiß Schwarz
" I...doing this right...""Resident of the Velvet Room" Theodore テオドア from 「ペルソナQ シャドウ オブ ザ ラビリンス」
Weiß Schwarz
"I've really...been an idiot, haven't I..."Crying Tears of Gratitude, Manabu マナブ from 「超爆裂異次元メンコバトル ギガントシューター つかさ」
Weiß Schwarz
"How wonderful! I can't believe he was hiding something likethat! That sly old dog."
Grand Couturier, Nui from 「KILL la KILL」
Weiß Schwarz
"Ta-dah."Disguise from 「KILL la KILL」
Chaos TCG
"Even so, I'm just so happy, my heart is close to bursting......"Becoming a New Me [Haida Kimika] 拝田 希実花 from 「いますぐお兄ちゃんに妹だっていいたい!」
Chaos TCG
"Ah, the shoulder......""Ooooooh......"
A Sudden Accident [Yokoyama Shosuke] & [Mori Kanade] 横山 章介&森 夏奏 from 「いますぐお兄ちゃんに妹だっていいたい!」
Chaos TCG
"From today onwards, this will no longer be just a room!!"Election Campaign Headquarters 選挙対策本部 from 「いますぐお兄ちゃんに妹だっていいたい!」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"People can change. Into their ideal self!"Knight of Reformation, Ladinas 変革の騎士 ラディナス
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"It's because I am with you, that the jewels can shine."Fearless Jewel Knight, Julia 敢然の宝石騎士 ジュリア
Cardfight!! Vanguard
Libergal りーばがる
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The awakened flames of the apocalypse! Eternal Flame Яe-birth!"Dragonic Overlord "The Яe-birth"
King of Pro Wrestling
Magic Killer マジックキラー
Five Qross
Group Member No. 0, Ayano アヤノ from 「メカクシティアクターズ」
Future Card Buddyfight
"A vow, to refuse even death."Explosive Axe, Ricdeau Demon Slay 爆斧 リクドウ斬魔
Future Card Buddyfight
"Eternal… "Endless""Super Dragonblade, Dragoeternal 超竜剣 ドラゴエターナル
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