Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Zoophoria is now on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website

Welcome to Zoophoria
The director of the best zoo in the world is retiring. A global search has narrowed the candidates down to the best of the best, including you, the players of Zoophoria.  You will have one week to assemble the best habitat in the zoo by competing for a new crop of animals, employees and buildings every day.  Selecting the right mix of animals, employees and buildings will be key to keeping animals fed & healthy and the zoo clean in order to attract visitors. The player that attracts the most visitors is the winner and becomes the new director.

  • A fun theme that combines worker placement and set collecting
  • Simple to learn, strategic game play
  • Random dice rolling perfectly balanced with strategic planning & set collecting
  • Over 100 unique animals from around the world;  a photo and fun facts on every card
  • Scales nicely from 2-6 players, for ages 12+

For more details on the game, including videos and reviews, visit our website at
We invite you to support our Kickstarter campaign todayThere are many pledge levels available, all with FREE shipping in the US and reduced rates to Canada.  To thank our supporters we are including a personalized virtual card on our website for pledges of $10+ (CAD$) and 6 exclusive cards for pledges of $69+ (CAD$).

Note: This article is being promoted on TGC News because the designer is participating in The Game Crafter’s Crowd Funding Promotion. If you would like to be promoted by The Game Crafter then read the details here.

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