Friday, May 24, 2013

After Action Report - Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, May 23, 2013

Thursday Night Gaming at Paradise Perks had 20 – 25 people attending the event.  There were up to five tables with games being played at any given time.

I was only able to play one game this time.  We managed to make it take a lot longer than it should have because everyone that was playing the game was either learning or relearning the rules as we went.

The game that we played was Cargo Noir.

In Cargo Noir, the players are leaders of smuggling operations that are trying to get goods that they sell for items that can improve their operation, like additional cargo ships and warehouse space, or luxury items like yachts and night clubs that give them points at the end of the game.

We had one false start because we did not understand the resolution of bidding for the good at the ports rules as well as when to change turn order.  Once we figured that out, we started the game over.  We then spent extra time referring to the rules a number of times during the game which slowed us down as well.  This somehow turned a game that should have taken around an hour into a two and a half hour odyssey.

We did have a major bidding war between two players for one set of cargo that went on for a third of the game that managed to wipe out the bank at one point.  Fortunately, I was not involved in that, but I still managed only to get second place.

We completed that game at a point in the evening that was too late for me to want to start a new game, but not late enough for me to want to leave.  At that point I started to chat with people about upcoming conventions.

It started when I noted to a person that I knew to be part of the staff at Gamex that I was surprised that he was at the event.  I had expected he would miss the event because he would need to get ready for Gamex because is started tomorrow.

The conversation then evolved into talking about San Diego Comic Con and our views on that event and which of us would be attending.  We ended the evening there.

Here are my results for Thursday Night Gaming.

No. of Plays
Cargo Noir


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