Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Warlord Games Press Release - Special Edition: Dick Winters on sale this week!

From the Warlord Games Website

Later this week the premier US wargames show opens it’s doors! Historicon also celebrates it’s 30th anniversary this year and we’re delighted to have been asked to help commemorate the event by designing the show’s special miniature.

(Please note he isn’t on sale until tomorrow!!!)

The theme of this year’s Historicon is Big Wars, Little Soldiers – World Wars throughout time so we agreed on a fitting tribute to Richard ‘Dick’ Winters – immortalised in the TV show Band of Brothers. Sadly Mr Winters passed away not long ago but we hope he would have been delighted with the gesture.
The Historicon event organisers have kindly allowed us to make the special edition Day of Days miniature available on general sale via our website only whilst Historicon is live which is Thursday to Sunday (July 17th – 20th) this week! Don’t miss out!


This is strictly on a first come first served basis so be sure to get yours early. If there are any left we will also have it on sale during our Warlord Games Day on the 26th July. After that it’ll no longer be available to buy so make sure you don’t miss out.


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