Thursday, July 31, 2014

AEG Press Release - L5R RPG Gen Con Event SWAG

From the AEG Website

UA-Cover-Preview02Many people have asked us if there will be any SWAG associated with the L5R RPG Event on Thursday night at Gen Con. We’re happy to say that the answer to that question is “yes!”

Any person participating in this event will receive a free copy of the Unexpected Allies 2 PDF via download. This is a great chance for you to get your hands on a copy of this book, without additional cost, as a thanks for coming and playing the L5R RPG with us.

This book will be available for purchase as an online PDF download to all fans on August 17, 2014 (hard copies will not be printed.)

We look forward to seeing you at the Gen Con table, along with some “Unexepcted Allies!”

P.S. – We’ve managed to wrestle away a copy of the Table of Contents for the book to give you a preview of what’s inside. Enjoy the sneak peek!


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