Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Warlord Games Press Release - Preview: Plastic Tanks on Their Way!

From the Warlord Games Website

With our new plastic Panther kit available to order from this Friday, and the ‘Tank War’ Bolt Action supplement rumbling ever closer, we’ve been going tank crazy here at Warlord HQ – and one of our eager tank hunters has managed to sneak into the design studio and lock targets on a few pre-release plastics scheduled for release later this year!

Firstly –  a quick final teaser – here’s the box artwork for the plastic Panther, which will begin rolling out to customers early next week!


Next we have the workhorse of German armoured formations across all German fronts – the robust and reliable Panzer IV! This kit will make either the short-barrelled F2, the long-barrelled G or the H with it’s trademark schürzen side skirts.


As usual the kit is packed with optional extras, allowing you to personalise your tanks and add those extra touches of character to truly make it your own.


Also spotted – a worthy adversary to face the German threat – our plastic Cromwell cruiser tank test shots (final sprues will be even crisper in detail and finish) have arrived, giving British players a little extra punch – again, this kit is scheduled for release later this year – though there’s not long to wait!


By using our ‘Wheels of Steel’ deal, customers can get a 10% discount when buying 3 or more Bolt Action vehicles – so what are you waiting for? Head on over to the webstore now for some extra armour in preparation for all out Tank War!

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