Monday, August 5, 2013

Catalyst Game Labs Press Release - Production & Design Freelancers Wanted!

From the Catalyst Game Labs Website

Production & Design Freelancers Wanted!

There are a lot of reasons to love Gen Con and not all of them are for the gaming. You get to meet up with old friends, see all the cool ideas people are coming up with and, of course, shmooze. Are you a production/layout/design expert and want to schmooze at Gen Con? Catalyst is looking to expand our corps of production freelancers!

We’re looking for people with a thorough knowledge of Adobe’s suite of production software – InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator – and with experience producing both short- and long-format projects. Knowledge of Catalyst’s game lines is necessary, primarily with our Shadowrun and BattleTech PDF-exclusive lines. A flexible schedule and ability to work independently are pluses, but we’re happy to train up and work with the right person.

If you’re interested, come and talk to Matt or Ray at Catalyst’s booth (#903). Please have a portfolio, resume or examples that you can leave with us – both digital or physical are fine.

Won’t be at Gen Con? No worries – you can submit a resume/portfolio digitally starting on Aug. 26 through Sept. 8. Simply email Matt and Ray at and
Thanks a lot, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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