Friday, August 9, 2013

Warlord Games Press Release - New Judge Dredd Mercenaries: Bat Burglar & Vid Reporter

From the Warlord Games Website

New Judge Dredd Mercenaries: Bat Burglar & Vid Reporter

With last week seeing the first releases of the Judge Dredd miniatures game this week sees the Bat Burglar and the Vid Reporter entering the dangerous streets of Mega City One…

Bat Burglar

Batting is a popular, if somewhat restricted activity in Mega-City One.  Around blocks where it is permitted, citizens can be seen soaring the heights with rocket-assisted bat wings.  Enterprising thieves have taken this hobby to heart, allowing them access to apartments on the highest block levels to steal in through the exterior windows, which rarely have the same level of security as the block’s interior.
This bat burglar carries a handgun, just in case he surprises anyone on his night-time flights.

Vid Reporter

With tens of thousands of holo-vid stations available in Mega-City One, it takes a special kind of craziness to be a vid reporter, as they must consort with the worst elements in the worst locations in order to get a good story. At the end of a battle, the Vid Reporter will try to sell his story – if he is successful, he may make his past allies heroes for the next few days, allowing them personal interviews, endorsements, vid deals and whatever else they can grab!
The Vid Reporter wants his story, and will risk much to get it.  He wants to tape the real action, and get  close to it.

The first release focused on two factions – the Mega City Judges and The Ape Gang. We have more boxed sets and mercenary figures coming out very soon as well as a shiny new hardback rulebook on the way too!
The Judges are the lawkeepers of Mega-City One, fighting to protect innocent citizens from criminals and scum. Few in number, the Judges welcome only the best and the brightest into their ranks, and not all of those survive the 15-year training regime.
Experiments in the past vastly increased the intelligence of apes, with the intention of using them as advanced slave labour. However, while such science has been outlawed for many years, its legacy remains in the form of sentient apes. Often corralled into the less desirable parts of the city, it is not unusual for apes to form their own criminal gangs.
More to come in the new few days and weeks. Oh yes, lots more to come…

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