Friday, August 2, 2013

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, August 1, 2013

The attendance number for Thursday Night Gaming were back up to their regular levels this week.  There were 25 people there with 5 games being played at any given time.

I again only played one game.  It was a game of Airlines Europe.

Airlines Europe is an economic game were the players collect stocks from the different airlines that are available in the game. The value of the stocks increase based on how well the routes of the airlines are developed by the players in the game.  The more development that occurs for an airline the more valuable the stock becomes.  The players gain victory points based on how much of a stock they own in the airlines and how valuable the stock is.  If the player owns the most stock in a certain airline they gain the most victory points based on the valuation, the player that owns the second most, gets the second most victory point.

In this game I again tried the strategy of diversifying my stock selection.  I concentrated on getting stock in airlines whose valuation were higher than the others and were continually being pushed up.  During the first scoring round I had the lead in only one stock but it was not a very high value one.  I was in last place.  By the time the second scoring card came up I was able to make up some of the ground in victory points because I had the lead in Air Abacus stock but still did not have the lead in any other stock, but I did have ties for first in a number of different stocks. 

For those that are not familiar with the game, Air Abacus is an airline that has not route of its own.  It uses all the other airlines’ routes.  As result it had a fixed victory point payout during each scoring round with the value of the last payout being the same as the top payout that any other stock in the game can get.

In the final scoring round, I was able to get the lead in two other stocks which though they were not top earners did get me a decent number of victory points.  Unfortunately I had lost my lead in Air Abacus stock which hurt because it was the stock with the top payout in the final round. 

I ended up in second place with only seven points separating me from the winner.  This was an improvement over the previous time I played the game, but not the victory I would have hoped for.

At this point I went home even though it was still early and I could Have fit in an additional game.  I was still recovering from a cold I have this week so I did not want to push myself too hard and relapse back into it.  I hope I am we enough for this Saturday’s event.

Here are my stats for this event such as they are.

No. of Plays
Airlines Europe


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