Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hook, Line, & Sinker – Superhero Games

Games in the superhero genre can come in many different flavors.  They range from the four color high power romps where the heroes always wins to the dark and gritty tales where it can be hard to distinguish the heroes from the villains.

I have put together three story ideas for you that can be adapted to any game system for the superhero genre.  I have suggested the campaign type that they would be most appropriate for, but they can be used in any campaign they, they will just need to be lightened up or darkened down depending on which type of campaign you run.

Idea #1 – Four Color Campaign

Hook – The heroes notified that there is a break in at a research laboratory.

Line – When the heroes show up at the laboratory just after the perpetrators escape into the local body of water.  The heroes find out that research into a new high efficient but highly volatile power source has been stolen.  This could be very dangerous in it fell into the wrong hands.  What would the Atlanteans want with that technology after peacefully co-existing with the surface dwellers for so long?

Sinker – It was not the Atlanteans that stole the technology but another villain who is looking to frame the Atlanteans for the theft.  This can be just to get the heat off of him or to get the Atlanteans and surface dwellers fighting so he can complete his plans to build a super weapon that uses the experimental power source.

Idea # 2 – Standard Campaign

Hook – One the heroes’ nemesis has been released from prison.  They swear that they have given up their evil ways and are looking to use their powers to help people.

Line – Crimes that fit the villain’s modus operandi start to happen.  It would appear that the villain is up to their old tricks again except for the fact that during a number of these crimes the villain is seen by members of the public in another part of town.

Sinker – The villain’s turn to good is all a ruse.  They are setting up a new gang of villains that have similar powers and abilities to the villains.  The gang is committing the crimes while the villain does good deeds in another part of town.  The heroes may not be able to prove of the villain’s involvement in the crimes unless they cut a deal with the gang after they are captured.

Idea #3 – Dark Campaign

Hook – There is a new designer drug on the market called Zoom.  Its effects are similar to methamphetamines but much more powerful.

Line – One of the side effects of Zoom is that it can increase user’s strength and dexterity for short amount of time. (For example, a short combat scene)  The problem is if the user overexerts themselves they will have a heart attack and die.  The worst of it is one of groups NPC’s has gotten hooked to the drug.

Sinker – One of the gangs that the heroes have target is giving the drug liberally to their members to use in the event of a raid by the cops or the heroes in order to give them a better chance to win a fight.  The heroes have to find the source, a chemist that has no idea what is discovery is being used for and put an end  to the distribution of the drug one way or another.

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