I've gotten the urge to restart playing MMORPGs. Probably the influence
of Log Horizon season 2 and the latest arc of Sword Art Online II. The
GGO arc didn't make me feel like playing FPSes though. Probably was too
engrossed in the main characters, Sinon and "Kiriko" (Kirito), as I have
heard some people call him.
Weiß Schwarz
" too"Amidst the Sunlight Filtering through the Trees, Sinon シノン from 「ソードアート・オンラインⅡ」
Weiß Schwarz
"Uu-uuh! It's fun!""Treasuring the Present" Yayoi, やよい from 「劇場版「THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ!」」
Weiß Schwarz
"Wait, Producer, you should be helping too!""Treasuring the Present" Iori, 伊織 from 「劇場版「THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ!」」
Weiß Schwarz
"I-I can't stop... laugh--Heehee! Ohhh, my stomach, ahaha..."
Yukiko's Laughing Fits from 「Persona 4 ver.E」
Chaos TCG
"Your hand is......this much more, than mine......"With the Beach as a Stage [Yoshinoya Seine] 吉野谷 星音 from 「LOVELY×CATION2」
Chaos TCG
"I should be feeling a little chilly but......this feeling of warmth, is filling up my chest......"Her First Tears [Yoshinoya Seine] 吉野谷 星音 from 「LOVELY×CATION2」
Chaos TCG
"Here you up"Together with Daigorou [Yoshinoya Seine] 吉野谷 星音 from 「LOVELY×CATION2」
Chaos TCG
"Heey, Yoshinoya?" "..............."Hero Show [Yoshinoya Seine] 吉野谷 星音 from 「LOVELY×CATION2」
Chaos TCG
"It's like being in a world of water......for 1 day......I could look at it forever and not tire of it......"A World Expanded by a Fish Tank 水槽に広がる世界 from 「LOVELY×CATION2」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Those are, from a very ancient time, the spirits that lived together with the stars"Miracle Element, Atmos ミラクルエレメント アトモス
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Those who have found their true selves!It's time to unleash the hidden powers!"
Edict Star-vader, Halcion
King of Pro Wrestling
Age 53 53歳
Five Qross
Nicopuri♡Womanly Ways, Yazawa Nico 矢澤 にこ from 「ラブライブ!2nd Season」
Future Card Buddyfight
"Hearing the sounds of the horn. Soon, the world shall end."Horn of Demise, Gjallarhorn 終末の角笛 ギャラホルン
Future Card Buddyfight
"A day of demise for all living creatures.Welcome the end of the old, and a new world shall be born."
Great Spell, Ragnarok 大魔法 ラグナロク
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