Friday, October 17, 2014

Warlord Games Press Release - New: British Rocketeer with Horse

From the Warlord Games Website

Spread panic in the French lines with the addition of some Rocketeers to your British Napoleonic forces!
As well as using Bombarding Frames to launch rockets through the sky (see below), these missile were also fired along the ground, as depicted with this model:



Rocket Troops were at Quatre Bras and Waterloo (under the command of Captain Wingate) and, although Wellington viewed the rockets’ uncertain behaviour with considerable distaste, he was aware that their 2,000 metre range was acceptable and that they had a distinct demoralising effect on enemy troops receiving these formidable projectiles.

Also available is the British Rocket Bombarding Frame:

Rockets consisted of a steel case, which had a conical or spherical head and was filled with black gunpowder. The warheads were attached to guide-poles and launched in pairs. The Bombarding Frame consisted of a ladder, two rocket troughs, two supporting legs for the ladder, a tie bar for supporting the legs and a gun bucket.
The aim of the rockets was notoriously inaccurate and very often prematurely exploded. The loud explosion, red glare and a very occasional hit created an impressive demoralising effect.

“The only reason why I wished to have it was to get the horses;
… I do not want to set fire to any town, and I do not know any other use of the rockets.”

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