Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - WarMage: Apprentice Edition is now on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website

"The fragile peace between mages has always been kept by the legendary WarMage of High Bastion. From the Stone Seat, the authority of the WarMage over the mages of Elerania has been absolute and unchallenged for decades… until now.

Now the WarMage is dead, the world of mages is in chaos, and the Stone Seat stands empty—waiting for the most ambitious, most powerful mage to claim its glory…”

WarMage: Apprentice Edition is the first installment in the WarMage series, a stand-alone competitive card game in the style ofYu-Gi-Oh! or Magic: The Gathering, for two to nine players of all ages and suitable for challenging both beginners and veterans alike.

Summon your magical might and do battle against other aspiring mages, wielding communal spells from six unique disciplines of magic to launch attacks, hinder your opponents, empower yourself, and control the battlefield in a shifting, dynamic fight to bethe last mage standing!

Get in on the action (and try out the print-and-play demo) by supporting the WarMage: Apprentice Edition Kickstarter campaign from October 14th to November 13th at:

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