Well, it's time to countdown to the new booster release for Vanguard, BT13 - Catastrophic Outbreak!!
Due for a 9/13 release, it just so happens to fall right on Friday the 13th!! >o<
This could be an interesting weekend... Xp
Due for a 9/13 release, it just so happens to fall right on Friday the 13th!! >o<
This could be an interesting weekend... Xp
Weiß Schwarz
“That's great-. It's heartwarming-. They have really turned into close siblings-!”Fallen Angel of Love, Flonne フロン from 「ディスガイア D2」
Weiß Schwarz
“Let's try Pure Flonne's angelic move: Love Negotiation on the demons and persuade them!”Pinch Revival, Pure Flonne ピュアフロン from 「ディスガイア D2」
Weiß Schwarz
“This is the power of love!!”Demon world enveloped in love 愛に包まれた魔界 from 「ディスガイア D2」
Weiß Schwarz
“Indeed! Exactly so! Impressive, Ryunosuke!”Aesthetics of Death, Caster キャスター from 「Fate/Zero」
"Oh no. It's too late to say no at this point"Strange trait 'vampire' [Erina Olegovna Aveen] エリナ・オレゴヴナ・アヴェーン from 「DRACU-RIOT!」
"Please get in touch if anything goes wrong""We'll be there in a hurry"
Members of the discipline committee 'vampire' [Yarai Miu] & [Mera Azusa] 矢来美羽&布良梓 from 「DRACU-RIOT!」
Victory Spark
"Well, being like this... hasn't really changed from the old times..."Memories of those times, Anaru 安城鳴子 from 「劇場版 あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。」
Victory Spark
"...!"Frowning Anaru 安城鳴子 from 「劇場版 あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Spin the curses and form the soul...... turn, Stealth Arts, Abyssal Reborn!"Shura Stealth Dragon, Kujikiricongo 修羅忍竜 クジキリコンゴウ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Do you seriously think that this is the end?"Worm Toxin Eradicator, Seiobo
Monster Collection
Pirate Captain, Blackhawk 空賊船長ブラックホーク from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
More billboards from Japan, this one found right outside the theater where this movie was showing...
Should really watch it on the big screen...
Should really watch it on the big screen...
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