Friday, September 13, 2013

AEG Press Release - The Resolution Series: Secrets of the Stone

From the AEG Website

The Resolution Series: Tournaments for the L5R CCG

Over the history of the Legend of the Five Rings brand, there have been many storylines that have reached an epic and satisfying conclusion, most with the full participation of L5R’s amazing and engaging fanbase. Due to the nature of the ongoing storyline, however, it is inevitable that some plotlines fail to achieve proper resolution, and some simply fall by the wayside entirely. It is unfortunate, but a part of the ongoing, constantly reshaped narrative that has made L5R unique in the CCG world.

This season, a series of tournaments will be taking place that are intended to revisit some of these forgotten plotlines, bringing closure where none was had in previous arcs. These plotlines will come from both the desires of the Story Team to find closure, and from those stories that the fans have asked for repeatedly over the years.

It’s time for memories to come alive!

Secrets of the Stone

To be held on October 19th, 2013, in North Charleston, South Carolina, USA.

Among the ranks of the Crab Clan, there are many warriors whose endeavors are the stuff of legend among the younger generation. Few among them are as venerated or as well known as Hida Daizu, a man who has served his Champion for decades longer than most of his peers. Older than some men who have grandchildren, Daizu has nevertheless retained his vitality far beyond what could be considered normal, and has even traveled to the Colonies on behalf of his lord Hida Kisada. Although no one knows for certain what his secret is, many attribute it to his wholly unique and distinctive armor, perhaps the greatest mystery of Daizu’s career.

A personality from the winner’s clan in this tournament will discover the secret of Hida Daizu’s armor: its origin, who created it, and what abilities it confers. Additionally, that personality will receive a similar piece of equipment from the same source. Also, the top placing Crab player at this tournament will have the opportunity to work together with the Story Team to determine what fate awaits Hida Daizu as the sun finally sets on his long and illustrious career.

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