Wednesday, December 17, 2014

AEG Press Release - L5R RPG Reprints Inbound!

From the AEG Website

Citizens of Rokugan we are pleased to announce the upcoming reprint of many of the L5R 4th Edition RPG books. The great demand for this product has been heard and we are please to announce that we plan on having these available for Q1 2015.

The Imperial Cartographer is also working on another special project, an Atlas of Rokugan. This will be designed to be an independent reference for anyone interested in the world of Legend of the Five Rings. More details about this product will be announced in the future.

Whether your are preparing to start your Rokugan adventure or you are looking to fill in missing pieces of your collection, we look forward to providing you with the resources to experience the rich colorful tapestry that is the living world of Rokugan!

The following is a list of the items being reprinted:

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