Tuesday, December 2, 2014

AEG Press Release - 2015 Spring Kotei Season Format

From the AEG Website


Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!

The L5R Team is proud to announce that the 2015 Spring Kotei Season will be the Tournament Organizers choice of: Strict, Arc, or Extended format

The current formats as you know them are as follows:

Ivory Strict:  Any card with the Blue Bug printed on the card. (Including Strongholds and Sensei printed in the Ivory Edition Base Set)

For easy reference look for these cards in the following listed expansions for Ivory Strict:

❖ Ivory Edition, The Coming Storm, A Line in the Sand, and The New Order

Ivory Arc: Any card with the Purple Bug printed on the card.

For easy reference look for these cards in the following listed expansions for Ivory Arc:

❖ Coils of Madness, Gates of Chaos, Aftermath, Ivory Edition, The Coming Storm, A Line in the Sand, and The New Order

Ivory Extended: Any card with the Green, Purple, and/or Blue Bug printed on the card.

For easy reference look for these cards in the following listed expansions for Ivory Extended:

❖ Before the Dawn, Forgotten Legacy, Second City, Emperor Edition, Embers of War, The Shadow’s Embrace, Seeds of Decay, Honor & Treachery, Torn Asunder, Coils of Madness, Gates of Chaos, Aftermath, Ivory Edition, The Coming Storm, A Line in the Sand, and The New Order

These formats will be available for all Spring Season Kotei that are prior to the legality date of Twenty Festivals.

Upon Twenty Festivals becoming legal the formats will be as follows:

Twenty Festivals Strict: Any card with the Black Bug printed on the card. (Including Strongholds and Sensei printed in the Twenty Festivals Base Set)

For easy reference look for these cards in the following listed expansions for Twenty Festivals Strict:

❖ Twenty Festivals, and Thunderous Acclaim

Twenty Festivals Arc: Any card with the Blue Bug printed on the card. (The Strongholds and Sensei’s in Ivory Edition do not have a Blue Bug)

For easy reference look for these cards in the following listed expansions for Twenty Festivals Arc:

❖ Ivory Edition, The Coming Storm, A Line in the Sand, The New Order, Twenty Festivals, and Thunderous Acclaim

Twenty Festivals Extended: Any card with the Purple, Blue, and/or Black Bug printed on the card.

For easy reference look for these cards in the following listed expansions for Twenty Festivals Extended:

❖ Coils of Madness, Gates of Chaos, Aftermath, Ivory Edition, The Coming Storm, A Line in the Sand,  The New Order, Twenty Festivals, and Thunderous Acclaim

Note: This choice is not part of the application process, and will be made by the Tournament Organizer after the Kotei have been assigned. So those Tournament Organizers who have already applied will have plenty of time to decide on which format they believe their regions players will enjoy the most for their Kotei.

Note: The L5R Team is currently working on an infographic that will summarize the formats for our players, and it will be out by the end of 2014!

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