Also held recently is CharacterOne! And Golden Week is coming so soon! Oh my!

Weiß Schwarz
"...... Master, Shiroe. Er, erm... do you have plans for the festival?" Master's Ninja, Akatsuki アカツキ from 「ログ・ホライズン」

Weiß Schwarz
"Here, it's going to spill out" A Girl's Heart, Akatsuki アカツキ from 「ログ・ホライズン」

Weiß Schwarz
Akatsuki: "Master, I'm not really...... good at dancing"Shiroe: "But you practiced didn't you?"
Waltz of the Two ふたりでワルツを from 「ログ・ホライズン」

Weiß Schwarz
"I love you""Evening Colored Thoughts", Rin 棗鈴 from 「リトルバスターズ~Refrain~」

Weiß Schwarz
Riki: "...... Alright. Let's go out"Let's Go Out あたしたちが付き合うおう from 「リトルバスターズ~Refrain~」

Weiß Schwarz
"To head towards the most interesting directionwithout turning away...
That could very well be Honoka's unique trait."
"Wonderful Rush" Umi Sonoda 園田海未 from 「Love Live!」

Chaos TCG
"Uwa- The winds are strong"Having lunch in the classroom [Tachibana Ayaka] 橘彩花 from 「最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。」

Chaos TCG
"Thank you for always taking care of my stupid brother"Thoughts of love is good enough [Torii Moa] 鳥井萌亜 from 「最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。」

Victory Spark
"~~~..."Uncontrollable Feelings, Nana ナナ・アスタ・デビルーク from 「To LOVEる-とらぶる- ダークネス」

Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Prepare yourself. We will swipe your sword off your hand"Licorice Squire Saul リコリスの銃士 サウル

Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Come, proud squires, assemble, with our swords!"Licorice Squire Vera リコリスの銃士 サウル

Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Come forth, the raging tides of fighting spirit!Go wild, Storm Driver!"
Blue Wave Dragon, Tetra-drive Dragon

Monster Collection
Formation of Dead Souls Protection 亡霊の護法陣 from ブースターパック「悠久のハルシオン」
King of Pro-wrestling
Continuing Dream of the Fire Warrior, Masato Tanaka 田中将斗
Future Card Buddyfight
"White Dragon Shield are the wings of a White Dragon.Able to calm the enemies' hostilities."
White Dragon Shield ドラゴンシールド 白竜の盾(ドラゴンシールド はくりゅうのたて)

Future Card Buddyfight
"White Dragon Shield are the wings of a White Dragon.Able to calm the enemies' hostilities."
White Dragon Shield ドラゴンシールド 白竜の盾(ドラゴンシールド はくりゅうのたて)
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