Posting this live from the Shanghai WGP for Weiβ Schwarz!!
Just a quick catch-up as it is quite difficult to find any wifi connections around the area,
and hopefully we can move on to the next post... Xp
Just a quick catch-up as it is quite difficult to find any wifi connections around the area,
and hopefully we can move on to the next post... Xp

Weiß Schwarz
“Hesitation arises from listening to voices”New team member, Seira 星河せいら from 「幻影ヲ駆ケル太陽」

Weiß Schwarz
“Our 7 day battle was not in vain, right?”'Demon Summoner' Io 新田維緒 from 「デビルサバイバー2」

Weiß Schwarz
“Delicious......”Energetic girl, Airi 伴亜衣梨 from 「デビルサバイバー2」

Weiß Schwarz
KAITO"General" KAITO from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
Weiß Schwarz
“Repetition of 319 seconds, if you turn in the area , did you see it, are you lucky ?This is strange and unreciprocated”
Unhappy Refrain アンハッピーリフレイン from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」

"It's great, to have someone I know right here"Hope's Peak Academy Student, Maizono Sayaka 舞園さやか from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」

"Just have to adapt"Hope's Peak Academy Student, Celestia Ludenberck セレスティア・ルーデンベルク from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」

"We have to find the culprit first..."Hope's Peak Academy Student, Kirigiri Kyoko 霧切響子 from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」

"Welcome, to Hope's Peak Academy"Danganronpa ダンガンロンパ from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」

Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Reacting like nerve cells, Beast Deities work together systematically"Beast Deity, Max Beat 獣神 マックスビート

Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Come on, follow me!"Fortune Liberator

Monster Collection
Sleepy Hollow スリーピー・ホロウ from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
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