Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Game Review – Salmon Run

Salmon Run

Number of Players
2 - 4 (5 w/ Expansion)
Play Time
20 -30 min.
10 years and up

Salmon Run is a race to the finish game that features a deck building element.

The players take the roles of salmon trying to reach the spawning pool.  The first player to reach the pool wins.  The way that the players do this is to play cards from their hand to move their fish upstream.  There are a number of obstacles that are triggered as players hit a space on the board or can be triggered by cards that are played by other players.  If you use too many movement cards or jump rapids on the board you gain Fatigue Cards.

In addition to card the move your salmon forward there are a number of special cards that you can get during the game.

Fatigue Cards clutter your deck and will slow down your forward movement eventually if you get too many of them.  You get them by using three movement cards in a turn or by jump a set of rapids.  You can get rid of them by resting in a reed spot on the board or spending a movement phase playing them down.  Each action allows you to remove one from your deck of cards.

Bear Cards allow you to move a one of the bears on the boars up to two spaces.  If a fish is in the space that the bears end its movement in the owner of that fish gains a Fatigue Card.

Eagle Cards allow you to make a player discard one of the cards in their hand.

Current and Rapids Cards impede all of the players, including the one who played it, movement.

If a Current, Eagle, or Rapids card is played against a player they many play the same type of card from their hand to prevent the effect of that card on them.

Another feature of the game that increases the replay potential is the modular board system.  The game contains 8 double sided boards.  Usually six boards are laid out to make up the game board for that play of the game.  This makes it so that players do not have to play it on the same board all the time.

There are a number of expansions that were included with the Kickstarter sets like additional cards, boards, and the pieces to add a fifth player.  They are not available at retailers at this time.

The game plays quickly and lends itself to optional rules and expansions in the future.  There is just enough strategy in it to keep me engaged.  This is a great filler game if you need something that plays in 30 minutes while you are waiting on people to show up at the beginning of an event or finish up another game.

I give this game an A for its simplicity and the ability to replay it.  I would definitely play it again.