Friday, April 26, 2013

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, April 25, 2013

This week at Paradise Perks we there were 25 gamers in attendance with 6 games being played at one time at the peak of the event.  The event continues to maintain its friendly atmosphere. And mix of casual to hardcore game players.

I was able to play three games this time.

The first game I played was called Monolith: The Strategy Game.  It was a 30 minute game that we managed to take 90 minutes to play through analysis paralysis.  It coins itself as a strategic worker placement game, which I thought would be interesting since I am really into worker placement games right now.  I am not great at worker placement games, but I really like them.  Unfortunately it turned out to me more of a random luck of the draw worker placement game.

The game consists of a tableau of 12 cards called Runes that have special abilities attached to them that each player is supposed to place dice that they roll onto in turn order once everyone has placed their dice onto the cards each of the card effects are resolved.  To make things more random they add in special ability cards called Powers and Skills which are drawn from decks as the results of the dice placement on some of the Rune cards. 

Your flexibility and ability to succeed in the game is decided by your luck in drawing the Power and Skill cards.  If you get the right cards you will do well, if you do not, thank you for playing but you do not have a chance of winning.  I came in third out of four players in this game.

The next game I played was The Great Heartland Hauling Co.  A 2 to 4 player game, the players take the role of truckers in the Heartland of the United States moving loads from one point on the board to another using a hand of cards to pick up loads, move their truck, and drop off loads to score victory points.  The one who has the most victory points after a predetermined number of victory points is met wins the game.

One of the elements that makes the game interesting is that it has a modular board so that the pickup and destination point are not the same every time.  Even though I have played this game before, I only managed to take third place out of four players.

The last game that I played on Thursday night was Salmon Run.  This is a 2 to 4 player deck building game with a race to the finish.  You goal in this game is to move you salmon up a river to the spawning ground using a deck of cards that you build up during the game.  The first player to the spawning ground is the winner 

There are obstacles in the river that make it more difficult to reach your goal.  They include immobile things like rapids and mobile ones like bears that can be moved on to you by other players.

Two of us managed to reach the end on the same turn.  Unfortunately I lost the tie and came in second because I had too much fatigue.

My results for this event are:

No. of Plays

Salmon Run

The Great Heartland Hauling Co.
