Steve Jackson Games Acquires Haywire Group's Chupacabra: Survive the Night
Steve Jackson Games' catalog of dice games grows this fall with the release of Chupacabra: Survive the Night. The Chupacabra is a bloodsucking monster from Latin American folklore. It feeds in darkness, and no one can say quite what it looks like! Perhaps those who see it clearly do not survive the night . . .Each copy of Chupacabra: Survive the Night supports up to four players, and multiple sets may be combined for more players!
About Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games, based in Austin, Texas, has been publishing games, game books, and magazines since 1980. Its best-selling game is Munchkin, with well over 3 million copies of the games and supplements in print worldwide. Other top sellers are GURPS (the Generic Universal RolePlaying System), Zombie Dice, and Illuminati. Past hits have included Car Wars and Toon. Steve's very first game, Ogre, originally released in 1977, drew almost a million dollars' worth of Kickstarter support in 2012 for a super-deluxe edition to be released in the fall of 2013.The company news page, the Daily Illuminator (, is the oldest continuously running blog on the Internet.
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