Friday, June 21, 2013

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, June 20, 2013

Thursday Night Gaming at Paradise Perks still had light attendance again this week.  There were 25 people in attendance and 5 tables with games being played at them at any given time.  I think that the lower attendance has to do with the school year at the local universities being over and everyone starting their summer schedules.

I managed to play only one game at the event, Starfarers of Catan.

Starfarers of Catan is the first game published that used the base Settlers of Catan rules and published over 10 years before the Catan Histories line was started.  The Catan Histories line does have many elements that were introduced in Starfarers of Catan.

Starfarer of Catan is set in the far future.  The players are competing for the position of Ambassador to the Galactic Council.  In order to win the position they must expand the influence of their colonies by setting up new outpost colonies, upgrade those colonies into spaceports, and develop trade relations with neighboring alien races.

The framework of the game follows the basic format of Settlers of Catan.  The players set up colonies on planets that have been assigned number values.  When the number of the assigned planet is rolled on two six-sided dice, anyone that has a colony or spaceport on that planet gets the resource.  The resources can be used to trade with the other players or build things.

Now here are the differences from Settlers of Catan.  The board an actual board with fixed locations instead of hex pieces that are fit together to create a board.  Players build a colony then move it into its final position on the board using transport ships.  The entire concept of a mother ship that is used as a template for the players transports that can be upgraded using resources to improve the performance of the players’ transports.  There is also an entire mechanic added to the game round moving ships around the board.

The reason that we played it is because I brought at the request of another person in the group because they wanted to try it.  That person was not available to play it at the time so I took it as an opportunity to refresh myself on the game. 

All four players were not very familiar with the game.  Two of us had played the game years before and I had an advantage on him because I had reviewed the rules before the event.  The other two players had not played the game before.

The game took over three hours to complete including set up and teaching.  I started out with an early lead even though I had trouble getting one of the resources that is key for expanding with colonies so I started to focus on trade early.  Everything was going well until I reached 10 of the 15 points required to win.  At that point I stalled out because of being resource starved.  Once that happed I struggled to the end of the game coming in second, which is better than I have fared recently in games that I was teaching other players.

My stats for the event are as follows:

No. of Plays
Starfarers of Catan


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